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I Saved A Mystery Billionaireac (Eudora) novel Chapter 15

Chapter 15 Eudora Acted Up

He glanced coldly at Eudora, then looked at Chasel. "It seems like Mr. Burke wants a new girlfriend?"

Chasel smiled charmingly and hugged Eudora's waist. "Let me introduce her. This is Eudora, my new girlfriend."

After saying that, Chasel looked at Eudora again. "This is a famous and legendary business tycoon in Kenison City, Mr. Steele."

Although Chasel was praising Colbert, for some reason, Eudora could hear a sense of teasing.

She could also feel Chasel's dislike for him.

And it just so happened that she also hated Colbert.

So Eudora looked at Colbert very cooperatively, nodded slightly towards him, and greeted him like they didn't know each other, "So, you are the legendary Mr. Steele. I have heard so much about you. It's nice to finally meet you today, and you really deserve your reputation."

When Colbert heard this, his handsome and flawless face darkened at a visible speed.

Even Corey standing behind him couldn't stop the corners of his mouth from twitching wildly.

Was Eudora trying to provoke Colbert now?

"How can such an ugly woman catch Mr. Burke's eyes?" Colbert said in a deep voice.

"Hahaha, beauty is in the eye of the beholder."

"It seems that Mr. Burke's eyesight is not very good. Shall I introduce you to a good eye doctor?"

"Mr. Steele, I have seen enough of those pretty bimbos. I think women like Eudora are more attractive."

"Is she more attractive? Or is she better at seducing men?"

Colbert's handsome facial features were extremely gloomy, and his powerful aura actually put a lot of pressure on Eudora.

But even so, Eudora just hid her anger and didn't argue with him.


Hearing Colbert's words, Chasel raised his head and smiled. Suddenly, he stretched out his hand to cover his chest. There was a feeling of nausea in his chest, and he bent down, wanting to vomit.

He retched a few times but didn't spit anything out. He put his arms around Eudora's neck. "Eudora, get me home. I feel so sick."

Eudora nodded. "Let's go."

She pulled his arm on her shoulder very naturally and supported Chasel to walk out.

Colbert and Corey just stood at the door. They didn't show any intention of moving away when they saw her approaching.

Eudora stared coldly. "Mr. Steele, you are blocking the way."

This man has no manners.

Colbert looked down at Eudora with sharp eyes, and when he met her eyes for a moment, his cold eyes released a chill.

A few seconds later, Colbert took two steps aside to make room for them.

"Thank you, Mr. Steele!"

Eudora deliberately raised her voice, thanking Colbert, but there was strong sarcasm in her words.

After she said that, Chasel smiled at Colbert, imitating Eudora's tone, "Thank you, Mr. Steele..."

Because they were passing by Colbert, Chasel was very close to Colbert, and according to the way he retched at that moment, he might really vomit on Colbert's body the next moment.

Then, the two just left.

It wasn't until they disappeared at the end of the aisle of the restroom that Corey asked, "Mr. Steele, do you want me to send someone to teach Chasel a lesson?"

Colbert narrowed his eyes slightly, and his deep pupils shot out a cold light. "He is just a trust fund baby. If I waste my time on him, it will only lower myself."


Corey wanted to say something, but Colbert had already left.

On the other side, Eudora helped Chasel walk out of Philomel Club, and Chasel's people, who had been waiting for a long time, greeted him, "Mr. Burke, did you drink too much again?"

"Take him back quickly. Don't forget to give him some water!"


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