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I Want a Lifetime with You novel Chapter 156

Shi Nuan was taken aback when Arnold dashed towards her. Even though she was slowly starting to accept Arnold, she was not prepared for Arnold to clamber towards her. She got up and hurriedly went to the kitchen. Arnold thought that she was playing with him, so he ran after Shi Nuan instead.

Shi Nuan’s expression turned pale as she was shocked, but Arnold enjoyed it very much.

“Arnold!” Fu Chengyan’s cold voice echoed; he immediately ran and protected Shi Nuan in his embrace. He stared icily at Arnold as he wanted to pounce onto Shi Nuan.

As Arnold sensed Fu Chengyan’s anger, he immediately stopped and settled down, showing an innocent look at Fu Chengyan and Shi Nuan.

Feeling upset, Arnold stood still and howled grievously for Fu Chengyan did not pat him, and Shi Nuan did not seem to recognize him. He gave both of them an innocent stare.

“It’s alright. Don’t be afraid. He won’t bite,” Fu Chengyan comforted her as she was really shocked. He reached out and patted Shi Nuan’s back to keep her relaxed.


Shi Nuan took a deep breath; it took quite a while for her to calm down. She looked, embarrassed, at Fu Chengyan and felt sorry for Arnold. “I’m so sorry. Did I overreact? I just felt that he’s gonna pounce on me, so I…”

“It’s alright,” Fu Chengyan stroked her back and continued, “Arnold is quite aggressive at times, but when he’s with us, he is harmless. You guys got along the last time, right?”


“Okay. I’m all good,” Shi Nuan gave a relieving look that made him let her go. She then squatted down and waved at Arnold. As he got excited, it seemed like Arnold wanted to pounce on Shi Nuan again. But this time, he behaved — he walked cautiously towards Shi Nuan and reached out its paw to rub against her hands, like giving her a handshake. Shi Nuan’s heart melted; Arnold was so cute and adorable. She wasn’t afraid anymore as she reached out and stroked Arnold’s back. “Long time no see, Arnold! I’m so sorry about earlier. I didn’t mean it.”

Woof! Arnold barked again, but this time, he circled around Shi Nuan, seemingly forgiving her. Shi Nuan smirked and said, “See! I’m not afraid now.”

Fu Chengyan smiled broadly as he stroked Shi Nuan’s head mildly. “Yeah… May is indeed brave,” Fu Chengyan said softly.


Su Shaoqing had been leaning against the wall ever since the beginning as he watched the ‘incident’ unfold. He regretted coming over as he saw the couple flirting with each other over a dog. He coughed awkwardly to remind them of his existence.

As expected, Shi Nuan turned her attention to Su Shaoqing, who was at the doors, “Su! You’re here too!”

Su Shaoqing raised his brows at Shi Nuan’s statement. “Of course?” he replied. Otherwise, how would Arnold appear at their house? Su Shaoqing wondered if his existence was worse than a dog’s. Shi Nuan had only just realized that he was standing at the doors, which made him really sad.

With his gloomy expression, he tried to put up a friendly smile and asked, “Sister-in-law, sorry for coming here out of the blue. Did Arnold and I bother you?”

“Yes, you did!” Fu Chengyan replied with a dissatisfied look, glaring into his eyes. “So, what are you up to this time?”

“Ugh! Chengyan, don’t give me that look. I’m just here for a visit. Wait… What’s that smell? It smells so good!” he exclaimed. Su Shaoqing walked over to the dining table and clasped his fists, “Chengyan, look at how lucky you are! What a meal, and there’s a beautiful lady by your side! Look at how pitiful I am. Going in and out of the operation room every day, never having the chance to sit down properly and have a decent meal like you!” Su Shaoqing said eagerly as his eyes sparkled, and he looked at Shi Nuan. Su Shaoqing responded immediately, “Ah! You haven’t taken your dinner. Come and join us.” Shi Nuan turned and walked towards to kitchen to get a pair of chopsticks.

Fu Chengyan pulled at her arm and stopped her. Curious, Shi Nuan asked, “Yea?”

“Don’t bother about him,” Fu Chengyan said in dissatisfaction and glared at the ‘scheming’ Su Shaoqing. “Take it yourself if you wanna eat!”

Su Shaoqing sighed and shook his head; he shrugged as he walked towards the kitchen. “Sigh, how troublesome it is for a meal. Plus, I gotta deal with your mood,” he smirked. He acted as if it was his house, conveniently taking a bowl and chopstick for himself and another for Arnold.

Fu Chengyan scowled at Su Shaoqing again, “No dogs at the table. Otherwise, I’ll throw the both of you out.”

Su Shaoqing couldn’t help but tremble. He took a glanced pitifully at Arnold, who was sitting on the floor with its pathetic-looking eyes. Arnold’s innocent stare shifted to Fu Chengyan, its pure-looking eyes fixated on Fu Chengyan. As his expression darkened, he moved away and stared at Shi Nuan instead.

Arnold once again melted Shi Nuan’s heart, and she tugged on Fu Chengyan’s sleeve, “That’s enough. Let’s eat. I’m hungry.” She turned and looked at Arnold, “Hey. I’ll get you some food after this, alright? Good boy!”

Arnold barked in happiness and jumped about; he then ran to the living room, finally leaving them alone.

“Hey, sister-in-law. Arnold seems to like you very much!” said Su Shaoqing while he dipped his food into the hotpot. However, Fu Chengyan’s expression became darker, and his eyes narrowed. He couldn’t help and shook his head, “Well, that’s true enough. A married man is always jealous.”

Fu Chengyan gave Su Shaoqing a stern look, “Come fight me!”

“Oh! No, no! I am here for a meal, you know. Don’t do it, Chengyan,” said Su Shaoqing as he looked away and shut his mouth.

Shi Nuan thought the way Fu Chengyan and Su Shaoqing interacted with each other was funny, and she couldn’t help but laugh out loud. She then cooked a piece of beef and placed it on Chengyan’s bowl, “And this… is for you…”


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