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I Want a Lifetime with You novel Chapter 194


“Enough, mother. I don’t have time to talk about this. It’s late, and I haven’t had dinner yet!” Fu Chengyan hung up without hesitation. When the man realized Shi Nuan was gripping his hand, he raised his brows and asked softly, “What’s wrong?”

Shi Nuan shook her head. “You don’t get along with your mother?” He was harsh to his mother, and they seem to be at odds. She felt bad for him. “Is there a misunderstanding?”

“No.” Fu Chengyan patted her head and grinned. “Don’t think too much. Isn’t dinner ready? Let’s go.”

It was apparent Fu Chengyan didn’t want to talk about this, so Shi Nuan had no choice but to nod. “Let’s go. I’ll get you some rice.”

“Okay!” Fu Chengyan stared at Shi Nuan’s back as his gaze darkened.


Shi Nuan sensed Fu Chengyan was in a foul mood today because of his mother, Song Zhenyan’s phone call. She had no idea what happened between Fu Chengyan, his mother and the Fu family, but it seemed to be something terrible.

Shi Nuan recalled her own family, suddenly realizing they were in the same shoes.


At night, Fu Chengyan made love to her tirelessly. Shi Nuan was already exhausted, but the man’s desire wasn’t satiated yet. Right then, she realized how dreadful it was when a man got angry. Her husband wasn’t mad at her, but she was the one who had to bear the consequences.

The next morning, Shi Nuan woke up with an aching body. Her entire body was falling apart, but the culprit was smiling at her as he leaned on the door. “You’re up this late? We’re going to be late!”

Shi Nuan bit her lips. “You should sleep in the guest room tonight. I mean it!”

Fu Chengyan narrowed his eyes and walked over, his eyes crinkling up in amusement. The man propped one hand on the bed and wrapped his other hand around Shi Nuan. His lips brushed gently on Shi Nuan’s forehead while he chuckled. “Good girl, go wash up now. Breakfast is ready.”

Shi Nuan shoved him away and waved her fists at him. She growled at him menacingly, “Didn’t you hear me? I said, you’re going to sleep in the guest room tonight! I mean it. It isn’t a joke!”

The man merely squinted before reaching out to tousle her hair. “Really?” There was an affectionate smile on his face. “Okay, I’m sorry. I’ll try my best to control myself so you won’t get tired.”

“Is that the problem?” Shi Nuan pouted. “You said that every time, but you never keep your word! I won’t believe you anymore. Get out, now!”

Shi Nuan pushed the covers away and stood up, pushing Fu Chengyan out of the room. She locked the door and yelled threateningly, “I won’t forgive you easily. I have my principles!”

The principled woman thought locking the doors would ensure her safety and went to the bathroom to wash up. Fu Chengyan smiled in resignation. He stood at the door for a while before reaching out to turn the doorknob. His wife had indeed locked the door from inside, so he didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.

Shi Nuan caught a whiff of the aroma the moment she arrived downstairs and asked in surprise, “You cooked congee? Is it chicken congee?”

“Hurry up, come here!” Fu Chengyan gestured for her to come. Shi Nuan had already forgotten she vowed not to forgive him, and ran over to him, taking in the yummy smell. She glanced at the congee on the dining table and grinned in delight. “How did you know I was craving chicken congee?”

She had been thinking about it since last night, but cooking congee wasn’t an easy feat for them as they need to go to work early and come back home late at night. Shi Nuan would rather spend her time on working or resting, but Fu Chengyan prepared congee for her early in the morning.

Fu Chengyan curled his lips up. “Take a seat. Some time ago, Mai Qi gave me pickles from her hometown. It came in handy this morning.”

“Mai Qi?” Shi Nuan’s eyes lit up. “Zhou Zheng told me Mai Qi is from Hunan, which specializes in pickled radish!” Shi Nuan poured two bowls of congee and opened the box. At once, the aromatic scent of radish attacked her nostrils. “It smells great!”

“Hurry, let’s eat. We’re going to be late.”

“Okay!” Shi Nuan nodded and started eating. But after a while, she raised her head abruptly. “By the way, I can’t go to work with you today.”

“Hmm?” Fu Chengyan met her gaze. “Why?”


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