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I Want a Lifetime with You novel Chapter 27

Fu Chengyan collected himself, shaking his head as he said, “Nothing.” Yet, he remained standing there.

Shi Nuan gazed at Fu Chengyan for a moment, then turned to look at the chair. She quickly gave the chair a wipe then said, “It’s clean now, Mr. Fu!”

Fu Chengyan cast Shi Nuan a meaningful glance. Did she think he found the place too dirty?

Shi Nuan began to feel unsettled under Fu Chengyan’s gaze. “What’s wrong? Maybe we shouldn’t eat here? I know another decent place nearby. How about we go there instead?” Shi Nuan was starting to regret bringing Fu Chengyan here.

Hearing that, Fu Chengyan immediately sat down and smiled. “There’s no need. This place isn’t bad!”

Shi Nuan breathed a sigh of relief. Just then, the lady boss walked over and was stunned to see Shi Nuan. “Haven’t seen you for quite a while, young lady! What will it be today… Huh? Is this your boyfriend?”



“What shall we have?” Fu Chengyan quickly interrupted and placed the menu in front of Shi Nuan. Shi Nuan froze for a moment, smiled awkwardly and stopped explaining herself. “Yeah, I’m here with a friend. What do you feel like having, Mr. Fu?”


“What are you having?” Fu Chengyan glanced at Shi Nuan.

“Beef noodles. And you?” Shi Nuan originally wanted some hot and sour noodles, but her throat wasn’t feeling too well, so she changed her mind. Fu Chengyan nodded. “Then we’ll have two bowls of beef noodles! Is there anything you can’t eat?”

Shi Nuan shook her head. Fu Chengyan then closed the menu and returned it to the owner. “Two bowls of beef noodles, less chili, please.”

“Aye!” The lady boss nodded and couldn’t help but sneak a few more glances at Fu Chengyan. Deep down, she thought, What a gorgeous-looking man! And he’s super considerate too. He’s obviously much better compared to the previous guy.

The two became silent once the lady boss walked away. But the tables around were extremely lively. It wasn’t lunch or dinner time, but the store was still bustling with customers. Customers from the tables surrounding them were looking their way and began to discuss among themselves.


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