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I Want a Lifetime with You novel Chapter 29

Zhou Zheng gave Fu Chengyan a meaningful glance, but the latter merely looked absent-minded and didn’t seem like he wanted to say anything. Zhou Zheng felt his head hurt, but decided to bite the bullet and responded, “How could there be a mistake? It really costs this much!”

“No way!” Shi Nuan didn’t understand the market prices, but she wasn’t a fool either. How could she ever get something from an antique shop at such a low price? Besides, anything that Fu Chengyan recommended surely wouldn’t be this cheap either. Shi Nuan clearly wasn’t buying it.

Zhou Zheng’s forehead began to perspire. Deep down, he kept thinking, Of course it’s not cheap; in fact, it’s very expensive! But he certainly dared not say this out loud.

He could only let out a silly chuckle. “Perhaps you don’t know this, Ms. Shi, but my boss here always drops by the antique store and every purchase is worth a lot. Heheh.

The shopkeeper is also a smart man who certainly knows how to do business. This brush isn’t considered a valuable treasure. He initially didn’t even want to take the money, but since you intend to give it to your grandfather, I figured you couldn’t take it for free.”

After speaking, Zhou Zheng glanced over at Fu Chengyan and sighed in relief when his boss said nothing. “So there’s no need for you to worry, Ms. Shi.”


Shi Nuan roughly understood what Zhou Zheng meant. To ensure a customer like Fu Chengyan would continue patronizing the store, the shopkeeper would occasionally put in some good deals. Today just happened to be Shi Nuan’s lucky day.

Shi Nuan turned to see Fu Chengyan leaning against the car door, looking rather relaxed. Biting her lip, Shi Nuan said, “Alright then, but how should I pay you? What’s your account number, Mr. Fu?”


“There’s no hurry. Get in the car first! I’ll send you back,” Fu Chengyan said as he gave Zhou Zheng a glance. Zhou Zheng immediately understood what his boss meant and chuckled, “Sir, I just remembered that I still have something to do at the office, so I’ll be heading back first!”

Shi Nuan was dumbfounded by how quickly Zhou Zheng scurried off. She wanted to say something, but now it looked like she could only get into the car. “Then sorry for the trouble, Mr. Fu!”


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