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I Want a Lifetime with You novel Chapter 32

The place was already filled with tons of guests when Shi Nuan walked down the stairs supporting Shi Yunsheng, Shi Nuan didn’t like crowds, but today was a special occasion and she didn’t want to spoil Shi Yunsheng’s mood.

Naturally, Shi Yunsheng could tell that Shi Nuan was reluctant, so he patted her hand and said, “Nuan, if you’re not willing, you can always leave first. I don’t mind at all.”

“What are you talking about, grandpa? It’s just once a year, so of course I’ll accompany you! I’ll even stay for the cake!” Most people found Shi Nuan hard to talk to, so she wasn’t as well-liked as Shi Wei in the Shi Family. Nevertheless, Shi Yunsheng knew that in truth, Shi Nuan was kind and a sweet talker – it just depended on who she was speaking to.

Hearing Shi Nuan’s response, Shi Yunsheng could only sigh helplessly. He patted the back of her hand and said, “Don’t worry. You can always leave the heavy matters to me. If you like Fu Xicheng, I’ll…”

“Grandpa!” Shi Nuan shook her head gently as she interrupted Shi Yunsheng. “A man who’s disloyal once will be disloyal for life – this I’m well aware of. Besides, he’s already tainted. I won’t want him anymore!”

“Oh, that’s great! You deserve better, Nuan!” Shi Yunsheng was thankful that Shi Nuan wasn’t bothered by this matter. But since Shi Wei and Fu Xicheng had done such a thing, the old man certainly wasn’t going to let them off easily. “I’ll make them apologize to you and explain themselves!”


As Shi Yunsheng and Shi Nuan walked down the stairs, all the guests were filled with curiosity about the girl Shi Yunsheng was holding on to.

It wasn’t as though nobody had heard of the incident that occurred recently, but all these years, people only one young lady of the Shi family had been made known to the public. They had never heard of a second young lady.


Back when the news got out, everyone even thought Shi Nuan was an illegitimate child. But seeing how Shi Yunsheng treated her, they began to doubt their assumptions.

Jiang Yu was beyond livid to see Shi Yunsheng holding Shi Nuan’s hand. She glared daggers at Shi Nuan.


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