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I Want a Lifetime with You novel Chapter 36

Warm. Shi Nuan’s entire body felt excruciatingly hot, as though she were inside a huge oven. She felt overwhelmingly confused.

Through her daze, she could vaguely make out a silhouette. She felt a cool sensation on her hot cheeks and let out a disgruntled murmur. Squinting her eyes, the woman suddenly was taken aback by the figure in front of her. She felt like she was walking on clouds, only to fall heavily the very next second.

As though she had just awoken from a dream, Shi Nuan opened her bleary eyes only to see an unfamiliar face in front of her.

“Who are you?” she croaked, shocked by her own voice. Shi Nuan quickly pushed the man on top of her aside and jumped off the bed. “What have you done to me?”

The man stroked his chin; his eyes looked like those of a beast hunting its prey. “Are you pretending not to know or are you truly unaware, Ms. Shi?”

Feeling weak like jelly, Shi Nuan bumped into the coffee table and fell to the ground. Seeing Shi Nuan’s state, the man raised his brow slightly and said with a smile, “Your parents said that you’re still a virgin when they brought you to me.”


“What?” Shi Nuan shook her head groggily. The last memory she had was of the scene in the study room. The words of her parents lingered in her ears. So is this the man who said he’d invest two hundred million into the company? Shi Nuan’s expression grew even more unsightly, especially after seeing the man’s smirk.

She lifted her head to look at her surroundings. This is a room in the Shi family home! So my own parents actually delivered me to a complete stranger in the midst of grandpa’s birthday celebration?


Seeing how Shi Nuan looked, the man lifted her chin only to be hit in return. “Don’t touch me! Stay away.”

A dangerous glint flashed in the man’s eyes at Shi Nuan’s words. No longer advancing towards her, he watched as Shi Nuan continued to struggle. “Tsk tsk, what a show. What do you think your parents are doing now, along with your beautiful sister and future brother-in-law?”

Shi Nuan felt hot and cold at the same time. This feeling was all too familiar to her; she had once been given the same drug. The difference was that someone else had done it to her the last time, but this time it was her own parents who did it. Shi Nuan fiercely bit her lower lip to regain some consciousness. “What are you going to do to me? If there’s something you need, I’ll surely help you out.”

Shi Nuan clenched her fists tightly and let her nails dig into her own flesh.

The man raised his brow and said asked with amusement, “What can you give me? What could I, Yun Shen, ever lack?”

Yun Shen? The third young master of the Yun family?

Shi Nuan’s gaze darkened. She didn’t expect this man to be Yun Shen – the promiscuous third young master of the Yun family.

“Huh!” Shi Nuan turned to look up at Yun Shen, hopelessness apparent in her eyes. The moment her eyes met his, a knock suddenly came from the door and Shi Wei’s voice was heard. “Nuan? Are you in there, Nuan? Grandpa couldn’t find you, so he asked me to look for you. Nuan?”

Shi Nuan forced herself to lift her head while using she pinched her own thighs with both hands, trying her best to not give in to the effects of the drug. She looked at Yun Shen and asked coldly, “Are you on Shi Wei’s side? Is there really a need for this?”

Yun Shen squinted his eyes, feeling amused by Shi Nuan’s questions. Then, he merely raised his brows and responded with a smile, “What do you think?”


“Are you in there, Nuan? Are you not feeling well? I’ll get someone to come over right away. Open up, would you?” Shi Wei never stopped banging on the door. She sounded worried, but every word she said felt like a thorn piercing Shi Nuan’s heart. Shi Nuan stared at the door in despair.

“Hmm, how interesting… You…” The moment Yun Shen turned, Shi Nuan struck his head with a vase. He glared at Shi Nuan right before passing out. “How dare you…”

Having used up all her energy, Shi Nuan collapsed directly onto the ground.

Through the door, she could hear Shi Wei telling other people that she could not find Shi Nuan, and that this was the only locked room, so they have no choice but to barge in.

Just as Shi Nuan thought today was the end of her, a dark figure suddenly appeared in front of her. He bent down to reveal his handsome face.

Shi Nuan bit down on her lower lip as she looked up. With red droplets forming on her lips, she reached out and tugged onto the man’s trousers. “Save me, Fu Chengyan!”

Fu Chengyan squinted. As his cold gaze fell upon Shi Nuan’s flushed face and her entire being on the floor, there was a trace of anger his deep, dark eyes. Lowering his gaze, he took off the suit jacket he was wearing and covered Shi Nuan with it. “Put this on!”

Shi Nuan shivered slightly. She instantly smelled a masculine scent. It was a very crisp smell. Hugging her own shoulders and pulling the suit close, Shi Nuan asked with a shiver, “What should we do now?”

The banging on the door became increasingly loud and it sounded like someone was going to break in soon. But this was the second floor, and there was nowhere to hide in here.

Shi Nuan was experiencing hot and cold flashes alternately. The feeling was so intense that it was unbearable. She could only bite down on her lip to hold in her scream.

With his eyes darkening for a moment, Fu Chengyan quickly pulled Shi Nuan up from the ground and held her in his arms. “Don’t be afraid. You have me!”

Shi Nuan’s heart instantly calmed down. She tightly grabbed onto Fu Chengyan’s arm with both her hands, as though the man would slip away if she loosened her grip.


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