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I Want a Lifetime with You novel Chapter 56

Su Shaoqing stayed for dinner. He kept praising Shi Nuan’s cooking, embarrassing her in the process. She went to do the dishes after dinner, while the men went to the study to talk about business. Arnold sat in the corner, looking at the kitchen pitifully, gazing into Shi Nuan, hoping his temporary master would spare him a glance.

Fu Chengyan went upstairs and handed Su Shaoqing a cigarette. “Talk.”

Su Shaoqing raised his eyebrow, then he chuckled. “You know me best.”

Fu Chengyan looked away and tapped on the chair. “I don’t want to even know you.” He then continued, “What happened to the Su family again?”

“Thanks to my cousin.”

“Jiang Shengfan?” Fu Chengyan smiled. “What did he do this time?”


“Don’t talk about that name. Our family does not acknowledge that name.” Su Shaoqing sneered. His cousin was an infamous individual whom he could blabber on about for a long time. “He could have stayed in Rong City, but no, he had to come to Jiang City. And for what?”

Su Shaoqing was talking about the eldest young master of the family—Jiang Shengfan, or also Su Bancheng. The Su family had always referred to him as Su Bancheng in Jiang City, for they had never acknowledged the Jiang family.


Fu Chengyan lit up the cigarette. “You don’t really care about the Su family’s business, so why do you care about him?” He knew a bit about Jiang Shengfan. Two years ago, Fu Chengyan met him during his trip to Rong City. He was a capable person, but quite arrogant.

Su Shaoqing frowned, frustrated that Fu Chengyan seemed not to care about this matter. “You know I’m not interested in taking over the Su family’s business, and the family doesn’t care about me anymore, but he just keeps trying to control me. He’s mad!”

Su Shaoqing ruffled his hair impatiently, while Fu Chengyan raised his eyebrow. “So going to the forum is an excuse. The real reason is because you want to hide.” He chuckled. “This is the first time I’ve seen you being so afraid of someone. He’s the second one to have you in a pinch after her.”

Su Shaoqing looked at him angrily. “I thought we’re friends. It’s an emergency here, so don’t talk about that to me. Don’t forget that you played a part in her departure back then.” Su Shaoqing pursed his lips. He would be upset every time that woman was mentioned. It was uncomfortable, and he disliked it.

Fu Chengyan looked at him sharply, then he said, “Oh yeah, I would have forgotten that she’s a part of my family if you hadn’t mentioned it,” his voice was even colder as he continued, “I wasn’t helping you back then. You were not a suitable match for her.”

Su Shaoqing’s fingers trembled, sadness welling up within him. “Who is a suitable match then?”

“Not you.” Fu Chengyan put out his cigarette. “You promised me you’d let her go. You owe her this much.”

Su Shaoqing said nothing, then he smoked, choking himself. Tears almost flowed out. His perpetually bleached hands looked unusually pale, and they trembled. “She might still be blaming you until now. You’re her brother, and yet you helped me.”

“This has nothing to do with you.” Fu Chengyan looked away. “I didn’t teach you a lesson not because you weren’t a d*ckhead. You were. She wasn’t suitable for you, but she also wasn’t a good descendant of my family.”

Su Shaoqing closed his eyes. “Alright, let’s not talk about this. I’ll be leaving two days later, so I’ll count on you to take care of Arnold.” Su Shaoqing stood up, then he stopped for a moment. “If my cousin were to disturb you or anything, please don’t kill him.”

Fu Chengyan nodded, then he glanced at his friend. “You look out yourself.”

Su Shaoqing forced a smile. “You too. I heard you’re planning to attack Fu Renjiang not long after. He might not be particularly strong, but you should look out for him, since he is also a decent contender too.” Su Shaoqing took the suit from the chair. When he came to the door, the man saw Shi Nuan holding two bowls of lime juice. “Oh, you made these for us, Nuan?”

Shi Nuan nodded. “Have a taste.”

Su Shaoqing smiled. “Thank you, but I have to decline. I need to settle a few things, so I’ll be going to the hospital now. Why don’t you have it with Chengyan?”

“Alright then, see you around.” Shi Nuan smiled at him politely. She saw him off, oblivious to Fu Chengyan’s serious expression behind her. When she turned around, the woman saw him holding a bowl of lime juice. “Have a taste. I made this earlier, but I just remembered I put them in the fridge. It should still be okay.”

Fu Chengyan squinted. Shi Nuan being so nice to him made him decide not to mention what happened earlier. He took a sip and creased his brows.

Shi Nuan relaxed when she saw what he did. “How is it?”

“Delicious,” Fu Chengyan gave his honest opinion. “It’s sweet and sour, but not too sweet, and the temperature is just right.”


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