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I Want a Lifetime with You novel Chapter 71

Fu Chengyan’s gaze was a little scorching. Shi Nuan was certain his penetrative gaze had unveiled her intention. She shot a shy look at Fu Chengyan. “You don’t want me to ruin your reputation, right?”

Fu Chengyan shook his head in resignation. Shi Nuan came up with that excuse as she was afraid of losing. A moment ago, she was excited for the race but now her courage is all gone.


Shi Nuan’s flushed a bright red. “Fine. I’m afraid of losing!” She continued, “Hurry!”

Fu Chengyan nodded and walked up to the group of racers. “How does this competition work?”

One of them glanced at Fu Chengyan and was about to say something when his friend cut him off. “Let’s do it the old way. The first one who reaches the top of the mountain wins. But bro, your car… Should we give way to you?”


The redhead seemed bold as he said, “If you can overtake any of us, you’ll be considered the winner!”

“Okay, it’s a deal.” Shi Nuan hurriedly answered. “You said it yourself. As long as we overtake any of you, we’re the winner!”


Fu Chengyan’s eyes glistened as he glanced at Shi Nuan from the corner of his eyes. Shi Nuan stuck her tongue out and stepped back automatically. Fu Chengyan was amused. Does she think I’ll lose?

But the racers are well-equipped. They are indeed professional racers. ”Okay.” He said, “Let’s go!”

“Okay!” Redhead agreed readily. He was certain the Bentley wasn’t a match for their racing cars, no matter how expensive it was. If Fu Chengyan overtook any of them, it would be entirely because of his driving skills.

Fu Chengyan got into his car and checked their seatbelts. He glanced at Shi Nuan. “Can you take it if I speed up?”

Shi Nuan thought about it. She drove quite fast earlier and it seemed fine to her. Hence, she nodded. “Yes.”

“Buckle up!”

The onlooking racers watched as Fu Chengyan and Shi Nuan got into their car. The man who got cut off by Redhead asked, “Bro, look at their number plate. Isn’t that—”

“Isn’t what? Hurry, get into your car!” Redhead waved him off impatiently. “Be alert. If he overtakes any of us, that will be damn humiliating.” The redhead got into his car coolly. At the snap of his fingers, all the cars sped off like arrows that just left the bow.

Fu Chengyan floored the accelerator and went after them. The sudden impact threw Shi Nuan forward.

She glanced at the man who was in the driver’s seat, feeling shocked. There was even fear lingering in her chest.

She thought she drove fast enough but Fu Chengyan floored the accelerator in an instant. The car’s speed increased sharply. She was no match for him.

Shi Nuan was in disbelief as Fu Chengyan kept building up the car’s speed and finally overtook two cars at the first corner. She grabbed the armrest as her eyes widened in shock. “You…”

Shi Nuan knew nothing about cars but this car was obviously an SUV that couldn’t be compared to those professional racing cars. She might be imagining things but it somehow felt like Fu Chengyan was driving a racing car.

Fu Chengyan thinned his lips as he stared ahead. His serious expression mesmerized Shi Nuan.

Shi Nuan grabbed the armrest again as Fu Chengyan sped up. He overtook another car at the next corner.

The woman could feel the wind roaring in her ears. It was an inexplicable feeling. Her throat jumped to her heart and she was going to yell out the next minute.

When Fu Chengyan overtook another car, Shi Nuan heard someone cursing loudly, “Holy shit! He’s damn good at this!”

Shi Nuan pursed her lips as she studied Fu Chengyan through the dim light illuminating the car. The man was right. Fu Chengyan was damn good at this.

Shi Nuan stared at the calm man and bit her lips. “Were you a racer?”

Fu Chengyan raised his brows and smirked. “Did I frighten you?”

Shi Nuan shook her head. She was worried because Fu Chengyan was concentrated on talking to her now. “I won’t talk to you. Focus on driving.” She pondered for a while before saying, “Actually, you’ll win as long as the last car doesn’t overtake us.”

Fu Chengyan’s lips curled up into a smirk. The way he smirked seemed attractive to Shi Nuan. “Don’t worry.”

“I’m not worried. Anyway, just focus on driving.”


“Ah?” Shi Nuan was taken aback. She was confused by the man’s reply out of nowhere. “What?”

“I wasn’t a racer.” He chuckled. “I enjoyed racing when I was young. It was nothing.”

Shi Nuan’s lips twitched. How could Fu Chengyan’s driving skills be nothing? Those professional racers would be upset if they heard him say that.


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