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I Want a Lifetime with You novel Chapter 95

Shi Nuan intended to visit Shi Yunsheng after breakfast as Mr. Yang notified her that he was awake. She was so anxious that Fu Chengyan had to hold her back, “Wait!”

Shi Nuan was confused, “What is it?”

“Follow me upstairs.” He took her to the study after tidying the dining room and handed her the agreement, “Sign it.”

“Didn’t I say I’ll sign it later?” Shi Nuan hesitated.

“Do you think your parents will be absent later?” Fu Chengyan was stating the truth. Shi Nuan nodded stiffly and tugged her lips bitterly, “I’m such a loser.”

“You’ve made a wise choice. Sign it first.” Fu Chengyan smiled. He had to ensure that she would have the best things in the world even if she didn’t care.


His phone rang with Zhou Zheng’s call, “Master Chengyan, I’ve sent the document you need to your email.”

“Okay.” Fu Chengyan nodded and hung up the phone. He scanned through the flawless document and printed it out for Shi Nuan.


“That’s fast.” Shi Nuan was shocked by his efficiency, but that was his character. As she read through the agreement, she was dumbfounded when she realized that the contract was to her advantage. “Are you sure? It was just a casual suggestion. The Shi family is a tough nut to crack.”

“Do you think I am afraid of them?” Fu Chengyan patted Shi Nuan’s head with a light laugh, “Don’t worry. As mw wife, everything about you is my concern.”

Shi Nuan nodded warmly, “Wait for me.” She returned to her room and drafted an agreement based on Shi Yunsheng’s document. Fu Chengyan printed it out and signed on it without hesitation.

“Zhou Zheng will settle the officiation as soon as he arrives.” Fu Chengyan made sure to proceed with the matter immediately.

However, Shi Nuan felt that she had done wrong to Fu Chengyan as she signed the documents. He was capable, but the Shi family was hard to handle. “What would they say if they knew I handed out the shares?”

“Why should we care?” Fu Chengyan pulled Shi Nuan into his arms and gave her a peck, “I have a meeting in the morning to attend. Can you visit Grandpa on your own?”

“Okay.” Shi Nuan didn’t want Fu Chengyan to go with her without any acknowledgement.

She crossed his fingers with her hand, “Fu Chengyan.”

“Hmm?” Fu Chengyan tilted his eyebrow at her rare shyness. “What is it?” He rubbed her hair fondly.

“I’ll introduce you to my grandfathers as soon as possible.” She gave him a kiss as she spoke and tried to run away. Fu Chengyan reached out to her and pulled her back in his arms again.

But this time, he held her up by her waist and kissed her luscious lips with a hand supporting the back of her head.

Shi Nuan was flustered and tried to push Fu Chengyan away, but how would he budge? He traced her lips with his tongue and intensified the kiss.

He was gentle to her. It was the first time she enjoyed a kiss.

His kiss was so magical and relaxing that she began to respond to him. Fu Chengyan took the lead naturally. Gradually, she indulged in his kiss and separated unwillingly from each other after a while.

The flustered Shi Nuan caught hold of Fu Chengyan’s arms with her hands.

He could see her beautiful eyes under her long eyelashes. He caressed her cheek and forehead while lifting her chin, “What can I do, May?”

“What?” Shi Nuan was confused.

Fu Chengyan pinched her chin and kissed her again. Shi Nuan was startled but prepared. She cuddled Fu Chengyan’s neck and returned his kiss.

They couldn’t bear to separate from each other for a long while. This time, Shi Nuan felt that kissing was a tiring activity as she was almost out of breath.

She pushed him away and coughed dryly, “It’s getting late. Didn’t you have to go to work?”

“Yes.” Fu Chengyan smiled and held her hand, “I should go to work now. But what can I do? I want to bring you everywhere with me.”

“Pfft!” Shi Nuan couldn’t hold her laughter at his childishness, “But you can’t.”


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