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I will never be yours (Kian and Selena) novel Chapter 106

Selena pov

I'm trying as hard as I can to find him through the mind link but nothing!

Snapping my head to look at them I see them both stand there with sad eyes and tears are flooding down Emma's cheeks.

"Where is he!" I boom out through the mind link to both of them and see Emma jump back a step!

I don't care if they get frightened of me I need answers, I need to know right now where he is!

"You have to calm down Selena!" Jessie says through the mind link

"don't tell me to call down! Tell me where he is instead!" I bark at her through the mind link and if I could get up from the bed I would leave and start to look for him instead.

" he is alive! But you have to understand something!" Emma says and a part of me takes a breath of relief he is alive, then what is going on?

"Just tell me!" I mind link her

"You are his second chance mate and he marked you, I need you to understand I have done everything I can to help you two keep the bond but there is only so much I can do!" she says and a cry leaves her lips when I see her wipe away her tears but more just keeps coming.

I don't like the sound of that and at the same time, I felt we still have the bond.

" I felt the tingles when he touched me! The bond is still there!" I mind link her when I see her take a deep breath.

"that was what I was able to do but he manages to break the bond! To Kian he has two broken bonds and even if you still have the bond to each other it's broken!" she says and I have already felt it!

"yes, I know!" I mind link her and look at them when I see them both exchanges looks before Emma turns back her head to me.

"he is dying Selena!" she says and I stop breathing for a second and want to scream out in pain from hearing this! I felt him, I know the bond is still there!

"Where is he!" I bark out through the mind link and try to move my body! I have to get to him, I can't let this happen.

Moving my arm I gather all strength I can to try and get up from the bed but I don't manage to get up.

Feeling a couple of hands forcing me back to the bed.

"Calm down!" I hear Emma's voice but they won't be able to keep me away from him, I will get to him some way! Struggling with all strength I manage to get I try to fight their hands.

"Now you listen to me and lay back down or I will knock you unconscious! You decide how it's going to be!" I hear Jessie barks at me in a deep voice, she is angry but that won't stop me!

"I have to get to him!" I scream through the mind link and feel tears spill over, he is my mate and I have to get to him.

"to do what exactly Selena? You are in no shape to do anything! Heal up first and I will help you to him, whatever you want to do I will help you but not like this!" Jessie says and I know she is right, I can't do anything to him if I'm healing this slowly.

I give up the struggle and lay back down, crying hard my body starts to shake when I'm about to scream out my pain but not a word is coming out of my mouth. Only tears are flooding down my cheeks!


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