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I will never be yours (Kian and Selena) novel Chapter 44

Selena pov

The next couple of days went by without anything happening.

When I followed the wolves I found out there are from a pack nearby and I guessed they might be on a search for my pack. We don’t know why they were over her and what they were looking for, I'm just guessing Kian might have something to do with it. I put my warriors on high alert until we find out more.

Sitting at my office and working trying to focus on what I need to do before I leave work tomorrow, two weeks, and working from home is something I'm looking forward to.

Turning off my computer late on Thursday evening I sit back in my seat and take a deep breath. I have managed to get everything done and right now all I need to come in for tomorrow is the meeting with the new important client. It's not often our bosses demand us all to be in a meeting with them and I can only guess it's a wealthy client.

I get out of my office and walk over to the elevator, everyone has gone home for today and there are only some cleaners working. I portal myself home the moment I come outside the building and I am sure no one sees me.

Coming home to the pack house I get right up to my room, just want to take a shower and put on some comfortable clothes before I get something to eat.

Getting out of the shower I feel good and relaxed. Heading down to the kitchen I find Sari inside, we haven't had time to talk alone for what feels like ages, and just when I am about to ask her how it is her phone start to ring.

Walking over to the fridge I find some leftovers and start heating them up while I wait for her to come back. It doesn't take too long before she is back and I see she is troubled

" what's wrong?" I ask her while I start eating my meal

" it was my sister and some men and sons have disappeared from their homes. She's afraid something is going to happen and I have to go there!" She says and I stop eating and look at her.

"I'm coming with you! I just need to be at the office tomorrow and we can go right after" I tell her and sit back in my seat.

" my sister is on her way back from a travel and when she is back we can go," she says and I see her walk over to the stove and stir in a pot.

" Can you make some extra potions to mask our scent, I want to go for a look at the surroundings when we are there!" I say and start eating again.

" I will get right on it she says and heads over to the garden after she turns the heat on the stove down. I eat my meal by myself and stir in the pot from time to time.


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