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I will never be yours (Kian and Selena) novel Chapter 73

Selena pov

I see her sigh and grab me harder on my shoulder and shake her head no at me when I'm fast and look at the wall. Ripping down a map and a piece of paper when she drags me away from the wall and several footsteps are heard inside the house on the bottom floor.

Feeling the strange energy trying to reach over to mine I push it away and understand we have to get out of there right now!

I have no idea what we are up against with the gifted rogue outside and we better go back before it's too late.

Holding the papers close to my chest I open a portal behind Jessie and start to head over there when she taps me on my shoulder and point at the man on the floor.

She can't be serious with me right now! She wants to bring him but leave the rest of the papers.

Hearing the footstep getting up the stairs there is no time to waste and I grab the shoulder of the man at one side and she does the same when we start dragging him over to the portal. Cursing inside my head at her stubborn way!

I knew she wouldn't leave without bringing him.

We have almost reached the portal when they have reached the top of the stairs and my heart starts to beat hard in my chest!

"they are over here!" I hear a man booms out when we reach the portal. I don't have time to turn and look at the men when we drag him inside and I am quick to close the portal once we are out on the other side.

Dropping the heavy man to the floor I shrink to the ground and have to calm my raising heart down. Whatever that was I didn't like the feeling he brought to me.

"that was close!" Jessie says and drops to her knees on the other side of the rogue. Shaking my head at her.

"you forced me to leave the papers on the wall but had to bring this heavy dude back?" I say and look sternly at her. She chuckles at first.

" Yes! Can't leave a rogue behind. He might be useful!" she says and I roll my eyes at her.

"and you don't think the papers were more important?" I say and raise an eyebrow at her.

"No! If we can't get any useful information out of him at least I will end his life and we have one less rogue to worry about!" she says and giggles. I should have known what her intentions with the rogue were.

"I think you are about to lose it!" I say and shake my head at her. Looking down at the papers in my hands I take a breath when I remember the bag. My heart almost stops beating in anxiety we forgot it there! Then I will have to go back somehow.

Looking back over at Jessie she has a puzzled expression on her face when she looks at me.

"Please tell me you got the bag!" I say when I hear several footsteps running over to where we are. I portaled us over outside the pack house and without looking, I feel Jacob is one among the others.

She has a mischievous smile on her lips before she reaches behind her.

"Of course, I got the bag!" she says and places it on the unconscious rogue. I take a deep breath of relief. Feeling Jacob has stopped behind me.

"happy to see you back! Where are Emma and Sari?" he asks when I reach for the bag and open it up to place the other papers I was holding inside. Laying them on the top and closing the bag again.


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