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Ice and Fire novel Chapter 246

When Jackson saw Cherry relax, he let her go. As he fondled her cheek, he said, "Baby, stay at home and get some rest. I need to go and see Derek to fix some matters."

Cherry nodded and didn't ask more. She understood that Jackson and Derek had their own affairs to handle.

Jackson then kissed Cherry on her forehead and left.

While he was driving, he called Derek.

"Hello, Jackson, " answered Derek.

"Derek, where are you?" asked Jackson urgently.

"I'm at my apartment. What's going on?" Derek could tell from Jackson's anxious tone that something had happened.

"I have to see you right now, I'm already on my way to your place. Something came up, " said Jackson, as he drove his car at full speed to Derek's apartment.

"Okay, I'll see you here then, " said Derek.

Half an hour later, Jackson arrived at Derek's apartment. He sat on the couch and Derek brought him a cup of coffee.

Derek sat down across from him, and asked, "What's going on? Why are you in such a hurry?"

"I went back to the family residence today, " said Jackson flatly.

"You actually went back there?" said Derek, a little surprised. He continued to ask, "What happened?"

"Sally saw Joe, " said Jackson with his head lowered.

"Sally? You mean she's going to hurt Joe?" asked Derek, reading the meaning of Jackson's words.

"You know that she always goes overboard, " said Jackson, a little troubled by the whole thing. He had been unwilling to take any aggressive actions against Sally before, but he had changed his mind since Cherry had left him without a word five years ago. Cherry's departure had made him realize that all this time he had surrendered himself to Sally too much, and that he had to end it.

Derek fell deep in thought. After a while, he said, "But Joe has to go to school. You and Cherry can't always be there to protect him."

Jackson also didn't know what to do.

"If Sally dares to hurt Joe, I'll never leave her unpunished!" said Derek viciously. He would try his best to protect Joe against her.

"I'll kill anyone who harms my son, " said Jackson firmly.

Derek then fell silent.

Jackson continued to say, "Derek, I also found out something else."

"What is it?" asked Derek, looking up at Jackson.

"The butler, " replied Jackson meeting Derek's eyes.

"What are you going to do with him?" asked Derek straightforwardly. He had always trusted Jackson's judgment, and if Jackson suspected that he was behind something, then the butler wasn't the simple man that he appeared to be.

"I'm afraid that he'll harm Grandpa, " suddenly said Jackson.

"Your Grandpa?" repeated Derek, surprised. Now he was confused about what Jackson wanted to do.

Jackson looked away, and said, "I suspect that the butler isn't after Andrew's wealth."

When Derek heard him, a thought struck his mind, and he slowly asked, "Do you think he's after something else?"

Jackson nodded to him. Derek knew Chu Family very well, and he could sometimes guess Jackson's thoughts just by remarking a simple hint on him like a look, or a body signal.

"Now I only have Bobby on my side, and I need Andrew's help to make the other men listen to my orders, " said Jackson.

The men only answered to Andrew's call, because he was the one who had trained them. There were many experts in the group, and Bobby, who had been serving Jackson for five years, wasn't the most outstanding among them.

"So the butler wants to control the gang?" asked Derek, while looking at Jackson.


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