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Ice and Fire novel Chapter 289

Standing in front of the bedroom, Cherry's mind was filled with Jackson's resentful look from earlier. He hated her very much. He didn't love her, and he even hated her, but what about Grandpa Andrew, how could he had fallen on the ground unconscious? Was it because he had heard the argument between Jackson and her? Or because he had heard the name "Mond"?

Cherry was even more confused in her heart, but she knew that this wasn't the right time to think about that. 'Grandpa Andrew fainted. Did Jackson take him to the hospital? Will he be okay? Nothing bad will happen to him, right?' she wondered.

Cherry didn't dare to think about it anymore, because Andrew had treated her very well in the past days. How could she stay at home and act as nothing had ever even happened?

Cherry immediately ran into the bedroom, grabbed a coat, and then strode downstairs.

Lily was standing in the doorway anxiously, unaware of what to do next.

When she saw that Lily was standing in the door, Cherry quickly told to her, "Lily, you stay at home and wait for Bill to bring Joe back from school. Just cook for Joe as usual and don't tell him anything about what happened to Grandpa Andrew. Okay?"

"Okay, okay, " immediately replied Lily, with her hands trembling. "Will Mr. Andrew be alright?" she asked.

"I'll now go to the hospital and check on him. Don't worry about that, just take good care of Joe here at home, " said Cherry, and then got out of the house.

"I know, but Mrs. Cherry, please drive carefully, " said Lily with concern, as she watched Cherry drive away from the house.

Cherry drove to the nearby hospital, and in front of the emergency ward, she saw both Jackson and the Butler standing there. She then walked up to them.

Jackson knew that Cherry had arrived, but he didn't look at her for one moment. He just sat on the bench, with his head lowered and buried in his hands.

The Butler nodded to greet Cherry when he saw her walking to them.

Cherry asked the Butler, "How's Grandpa Andrew?"

"We don't know, the doctors are still inside with him. They haven't come out yet, " answered the Butler, as he looked at the door of the emergency room from time to time.

Cherry then didn't say anything else; she quietly stood beside the door, and paid no attention to Jackson at all. Her face was still burning, and how could she forget his slap and what he had said to her earlier in the bedroom?

Suddenly, the door of the emergency room opened, and a doctor came out of it.

Jackson then instantly stood up and walked towards the doctor.

The doctor looked at Jackson, and as he respectfully nodded to him, said, "Mr. Jackson, Mr. Andrew is okay now, he passed out because of an emotional stimuli. He's on a drip now, but soon he'll be moved to the general ward, and then you can see him. I have to tell you that it will take some time for Mr. Andrew to wake up."

After he heard what the doctor said, Jackson also believed that it wasn't anything too serious. He knew that his Grandpa's physical?condition couldn't be that bad.


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