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Ice-Cold Ceo, Crazy Love By Christin Donald (Edward) novel Chapter 140

Chapter 140 

Isabella rushed all the way to the land bureau, causing a scene and frantically questioning why the new hightech zone wasn’t being built by the Leith River as she had anticipated

The people at the bureau looked at her as if she had lost her mind

Miss Smith, the location of the hightech zone is decided by the higherups. Making a scene here won’t change anything,one of them said diplomatically

I don’t care! You sold me that land, you have to take responsibility,Isabella argued stubbornly, adding, At the very least, you should refund me the ten million dollars. Can’t I just return the land to you?” 

The bureau officer glanced at her, Miss Smith, you can sell the land to someone else. But selling it back to the government? That’s not an option.” 

Isabella’s face turned into a portrait of frustration

These barren lands remained unsold, gathering dust in the government’s hands since no one wanted to undertake such a risky investment

Isabella, however, wished someone would take this burden off her hands. But who would be foolish enough to purchase a wasteland requiring a hefty sum to develop

In her past life, it was only the considerable influx of funds from the government and private investors that had brought this area to life

I don’t care! I demand you to buy it back at the original price!Isabella insisted vehemently, determined to cause a scene until she got her way

At first, the officer engaged with her calmly, but Isabella’s escalating aggressiveness was met with a brick wall of patience

Finally, unable to tolerate her tantrum any longer, an officer dialed the police

In no time, the police arrived

On charges of picking quarrels and provoking troubles, they took Isabella away without any hesitation 

As the cell door closed behind her, she felt like her world was crumbling

Chapter 140 

Isn’t it said that the squeaky wheel gets the grease? How did I end up behind bars?she 


Isabella was slapped with a sevenday detention sentence

Despite feeling profoundly wronged, she didn’t dare make another scene, fearing that her charges might escalate

In the holding cell, surrounded by towering, sternfaced women, a shiver raced through Isabella, her scalp tingling with fear

She couldn’t comprehend how she had ended up in such a dire situation

Why did the government change their decision so suddenly? she wondered, her mind swirling with confusion

Ben was still investing in the future hightech park, just like he had in her previous life

Why this change? Were my past experiences merely fragments of a dream, events that never truly existed? Or did my reincarnation flutter the wings of a butterfly, altering the course of many events?She thought

If that was the case, what was the purpose of her being reborn

Locked away, Isabella continued to grapple with her existential doubts

Meanwhile, Mr. Lynn had been calling out for a while with no response, his face darkening to a stormy hue

Upon pulling some strings to investigate the matter, Monica’s father found that, to his disbelief, Isabella had indeed been incarcerated

The rumor had it that after having buyer’s remorse over the wasteland purchase, she had caused a ruckus at the land bureau. This tumultuous behavior had swiftly earned her a charge of causing disturbances and she was put behind bars

Mr. Lynn was confused

Piecing together the bits of information from Isabella’s outbursts, he managed to grasp 

the situation

It seemed that Isabella had received some sort of tipoff, convincing her that the barren land she purchased was slated for development

Chapter 140 

But, in a cruel twist of fate, it was a different plot of land that was being developed

Consequently, Isabella had landed herself with a white elephant that threatened to swallow a colossal amount of capital for development

Even if she wanted to unload this burden, finding a willing buyer now seemed like a pipe


What about his six million dollars

Mr. Lynn’s face darkened in an instant

But with Isabella now locked up, he was left with no options but to wait for her release, and then somehow find a way to recover his money

Meanwhile in Anaville, the news of Isabella’s detainment reached Ben, who couldn’t help 

but chuckle

This woman is even more foolish than I initially thought. She seems to have no redeeming qualities without her foreknowledge,” he thought amusingly

Ben had figured it out by now

In the past life, without Isabella’s involvement, he would have invested in the land by the Leith River as planned

Subsequently, after a public announcement by the government, he would have resold the land at a profit

But that was just the tip of the iceberg

In reality, it was all an orchestrated act between Ben and the local government

The government’s vigorous promotion of Ben’s ten million dollars investment turning into a whopping hundred million dollars profit was merely a ploy to allure other investors, convincing them of the lucrative potential of the land. This way, it would attract a flood of capital that would truly kickstart the development of the area

In a nutshell, Ben’s socalled business miracle of earning a hundred million was nothing more than a clever tactic to draw in investments

Ironically, Isabella had rushed onto the stage with only half the script, leading to a catastrophic downfall

Chapter 140 

With the Isabella issue sorted, Ben seemed to be in high spirits

11% 09:53 

On their way home, even Susan couldn’t resist asking, seeing his gleeful demeanor, Why are you so happy all of a sudden?” 

Ben couldn’t hold back his laughter as he recounted Isabella’s selfsabotaging antics that 

led her straight into jail to Susan

Susan was at a loss for words

She found it hard to articulate her thoughts on Isabella’s recent maneuver

Thanks to her, I was able to poach quite a few promising talents for my newly established Future Entertainment,Ben said with a grin, seemingly unfazed by Isabella’s downfall. Seeing her in this miserable state, I feel slightly guilty.” 

Susan gave him a sidelong glance

To her, Ben didn’t seem remorseful in the slightest

However, it was true that Isabella was indeed in a sorry state

Her foresight ability was so wonderful

Had she been up against anyone else, she would have probably triumphed spectacularly

Unfortunately for her, she encountered Ben, a sly fox who not only utilized her abilities to his advantage but also managed to strip her of everything she had


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