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Ice-Cold Ceo, Crazy Love By Christin Donald (Edward) novel Chapter 351

Chapter 351 


58% 09:44 

At that moment, Eason chose honesty and expressed his willingness to make amends

The initial expression on Dr. Thompson’s face was one of disapproval, but it quickly changed to a more gentle and understanding look


She gave Eason a meaningful look. What’s your name?” 

Eason answered her without any hesitation

Dr. Thompson noted it down, then instructed Eason, Wait here. I need to have a chat with Emma.” 

Chat?Eason commented, She seems totally lost in her own world. Communication might be tough.” 

I know what I’m doing. Dr. Thompson assured, settling beside Emma

Emma was fixated on the TV, showing no extra reaction

Dr. Thompson, unperturbed, gently called out, Emma.” 

No response from Emma, but Dr. Thompson continued regardless, I saw Eason. He’s really annoying.” 

Emma’s brow twitched slightly, a noticeable reaction

Dr. Thompson, clearly pleased, went on, The thought of him trying to woo you is ridiculous. It’s like a frog trying to become a prince way out of his league. To me, he’s like a bug in the gutter, meant to stay there, never even thinking of climbing 

out. He’s also like” 

Dr. Thompson went on and on, disparaging Eason in every way possible

Eason, on the sidelines, felt a sense of frustration as he heard the words that put him down

Eason thought to himself, Though Emma didn’t like me, I couldn’t be that bad, right

But since it was for treatment, even if it meant getting beaten up, I would accept it

‘After all, I was the cause of this mess.‘ 

As Dr. Thompson’s words grew harsher, Emma’s frown deepened

Eason is such a terrible person that hell itself would have to create an exclusive level just for him. A place beyond the worst, where he’d be doomed to endure endless torment.” 

Dr. Thompson was enjoying her rant

Emma struggled to speak, That’s not it.” 

Her complexion was noticeably pale, and her voice raspy from strain, yet the words she uttered came out with remarkable 



te that not the car? By Thempam asbest with a hint of pretense Aren’t you bothered by his constant pursuit of your 

Ante a pause, Emma widsputed. I don’t deserve it” 


De Tomane pyebwa alightly furrowed an alus continued to probe However, Emme remained silent, offering no further 

hot the answer she wanted 

I thougon neost a hand with anything? Fason asked, a hint of nervousness in his voice

plied coolly. Yes” 

Just tell me what to do Fanny maid without bonitationi 

No and hold bec Dr. Thompson instructed

ason was puzzled 

Raising an eyebrow De Thompson challenged, What’s the matter? Didn’t you say you would fully cooperate?” 

Lason hurriedly explained. Of course, I’m willing to help, but she hates me so much, Won’t this backfire?” 

Who said she hates you? De Thompson replied calmly

In fact Emma was clearly too fond of his Dr. Thompson thought

Bot Fason was still uncertain 

Am I the psychologist here, or are you?Dr. Thompson frowned, If you want to help, fallow my land.” 

Left with no choice, Lason hesitantly sat down next to Emma

The TV show transitioned from one to another

Emma was still sitting quietly, watching intently

Eason reached out, then pulled back

He did this several times, unable to make up his mind

De Thompson gave him a threatening look 

Eason hesitated briefly, then, with a determined resolve, he finally embraced Emma

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Chapter 351 

He was worried she might kick him away, given how much she seemed to dislike him

However, Emma just trembled slightly without any extreme reaction

Dr. Thompson’s lips curled into a subtle smile, a sign she had guessed correctly

Seeing that they were a couple truly in love, she decided to give them a little push today

Next, give her a kiss,Dr. Thompson instructed

Eason panicked. He looked at Dr. Thompson, Won’t I get slapped for this?” 

Why don’t you try and find out?Dr. Thompson said calmly

Eason was speechless

If he hadn’t met Dr. Thompson for the first time today, he would think they had some old grudge

Hurry up,” Dr. Thompson urged

Eason gazed at Emma, quiet and fragile in his embrace, like a delicate flower bent in the wind. Overcome with emotion, he gently kissed her cheek

Emma still had no reaction. Her condition hadn’t improved, but it hadn’t worsened either

Dr. Thompson had everything figured out

She said, Eason, come with me.” 

Sure.Eason quickly let go of Emma and followed Dr. Thompson

Dr. Thompson adjusted her glasses, giving him a significant look. It’s all on you to help Emma now.” 

Eason felt overwhelmed, By doing what we just did?” 

Eason thought, That wasn’t helping. That was clearly taking advantage.” 

Pretty much,Dr. Thompson replied calmly. For the next few days, I’ll assess Emma’s condition daily. Until I’m sure she’s recovered, you’ll move in here and stay with her constantly. Whenever you have a moment, hold her, kiss her, and whisper sweet nothings to her.” 

Eason was shocked

Is this really treatment

He thought Dr. Thompson might be a fraud

Ignoring him, Dr. Thompson turned and wrote a note for Eason, If you can’t think of sweet nothings, just read what’s on here.” 


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