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I'm A Quadrillionaire novel Chapter 21

Chapter 21 

The next day, David only woke up around noon.

After washing up, David went to the Golden Leaf Hotel.

“Hello, Mr. Lidell!”

“Hello, Mr. Lidell!”

As he walked into the hotel, he heard greetings from all around him.

After lunch, David walked into the chairman’s office to rest.

After a while, someone knocked on the door.

Knock knock!

“Come in.”

Pearl came in after pushing the door open.

“Mr. Lidell, the handover of the hotel has started. When are you free?”

“Miss Pearl, I told you I won’t bother about the handover. You can just make the decision. Just inform me when I have to make a payment.”

“Alright! I won’t disturb your rest then. Right, I’ll move in tonight. I’ll keep the door unlocked for you.”

Before David could react, Pearl left his office.

Damn, she got me again.’

David sat on the chair and played with his phone.

He opened Instagram and saw a direct message from Patrick.

Patrick: [Dave, when are you coming back to campus?]

David: (Tomorrow I think.)

David replied.

Patrick: (Dave, I have to tell you something, but you have to keep calm.]

David: (Spit it out.]

Patrick: (That bastard Leo posted the photo of you vomiting blood and falling unconscious to the university’s website and even posted some of your past achievements. You’re… famous now!


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