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I'm A Quadrillionaire novel Chapter 37

Chapter 37 

South River University,

More than ten thousand students had gathered on the field in an orderly fashion.

The Labor Day talent show was starting soon.

Firstly, the chancellor of the university gave a speech.

Then, the students started their performance,

All kinds of performances ranging from singing, dancing, skits, stand-ups, and magic shows were being presented on stage

However, David was not watching the performance on the stage at this moment.

Instead, his teacher called him back to the classroom. Of course, he was not the only one receiving this treatment. Everyone in the class was called back.

Everyone was a little confused.

The teacher spoke at this moment.

“There’s an emergency. Since Ava is sick, she can’t go on stage. Who among you knows how to play the piano? Please replace her. You don’t need to be good, you just need to deal with it.”

Everyone turned their gazes to Ava.

Indeed, Ava’s originally rosy cheeks were now very pale.

After waiting for a while, she continued when no one volunteered, “If anyone accepts this task, I’ll approve their leaves in the future, no matter what the reason.”.

When the teacher said that, some of them were moved, but playing the piano was something delicate. No one would be able to perform on stage after only learning it for a few days.

David was moved too. He wanted to accept this task so it would be easier for him to request leave in the future.

With that, he added some lavish points to add ‘piano skills’ on the skills column. After that, he added 10 lavish points to improve his piano skills from novice to expert.

Soon, David felt an abundance of knowledge rushing into his brain. When David was confident, he stood up and said, “Teacher, let me try!” Every one of the students looked at David with looks of disbelief on their faces, including the other three musketeers, Ava, and the teacher.

“David knows how to play the piano?’

‘Stop joking.

Throughout his university days, whenever there was a break, he’d work part-time or apply for part-time jobs. How would he have the time to learn to play the piano?

“Do you know how?” The teacher asked after hesitating.

“Yes, I learned it when I worked as a part-timer.”

“Can you play a complete song?” The teacher asked again.

“Of course!”

“Alright then. Since no one else is volunteering, you should give it a try. Remember, take it easy and don’t make any mistakes.”


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