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Impulsive Vow to an Enigmatic Husband (END) novel Chapter 309

Chapter 309 

Comelia inoked at Bulana with surprise and asked, “Do you know Jeremy?” 

Judging by Comelia’s reaction, Briana quessed she might not know Marcus in Jeremy

But she didn’t get why her brother would keep it a secret from Comelia 

If Marcus decided to keep it a secret she couldn’t spill the beans or shed be in fai it 

Im not sure if I’m supposed to know him Camelia, you take a breathe I go have a word with my brother After saying that, Briana rashed off 

She dashed to find Marcus. The study and master bedroom on the second floor were empty. She ran downstairs, shouting as she went, “Two, where are you?” 

Marcus was in the living room on the first floor, flipping through the latest fashion magazine Hearing her shout, he frowned, Tm not deaf, why are you hollering?” 

Briana ran to him and sat next to him, Comelia just told me her husband’s name is Jeremy So, you and her 

Since she already knew about his relationship with Cornelia, Marcus didn’t plan on keeping it from her anymore, Yeah, Cornelia is your sister in law 

Brana had thought he’d deny it and choose to keep it under wraps. But his quick admission left her unsure, ts Cornelia really my sister in law?“ 

Marcus put down the magazine and tapped her head. What, you think I’m pulling your leg? If Cornelia wasn’t your sister in law, why would I let her live here? But you have to keep it on the downlow Cornelia cant know about this yet 

Rubbing her head Bhana said You know i cant keep a secret. I’m afraid I might let it slip 

Marcus chuckled then whispered then do you want to go to Calandra and deal with that woman?” 

It was a clear threat. The mere thought of going there filled Briana with dread, “Bro. I promise I won’t spill it, fi definitely keep it a secret. Please don’t send me to Calandria to deal with that woman 

Marcus was just trying to scare her. He could never really send her there. He had enough of those unbearable things to deal with on his own. “Alright, you need to get along with Cornelia No bullying her 

Treally like Comelia, why would I bully her?said Briana 

Marcus said. Go ask Cornelia what she wants for dinner” 

I’m on Briana squeezed next to Marcus, Why don’t you tell Cornelia the truth? Then you can openly treat her well, openly buy her clothes, shoes, bags, without having to make up excuses” 

Did she think he didn’t want to tell Cornelia

How he wished he could opmly take care of Comelia 


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