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Impulsive Vow to an Enigmatic Husband (END) novel Chapter 326

Chapter 326 

Cornelia asked He’s willing to do it now but what about in the long run

Marcus replied No matter how long he’ll still be up for it” 

He was worned that Comelia wouldn’t let him spend money on her, leaving him clueless about how to treat her right

Cornelia said. You’re not him you don’t know whats really going on in his head you’re just guessing 

Marcundant respond 

Cornelia didn’t dare be too hopeful To her true love only existed in novels or TV dramas, “President Hartley. I’m not trying to rain on your parade. I just think marriage is the closest, yet most fragile relationship Look, many couples are all lovey dovey at first, but not long after they’re filing for divorce Divorce itself is painful enough, some couples drag it into court over maney To get a bigger piece of the pie, they air each other’s dirty laundry it’s as if they me not exlovers, but enemies its embarrassingly awkward Freally dont wam my relationship with Jeremy to end up like that” 

Cornelia wished that even if her relationship with Jeremy ended up in divorce. They could part ways peacefully without any disputes, and still manage to smile and greet each other when they cross paths

The key to staying friends after divorce was to avoid financial disputes That’s why Cornelia didnt want to accept Jeremy’s valuable gifts 

Marcus said gloomily You’re so young Why do you always expect the wors17 

Cornelia laughed and said it’s not that I want to jump to the worst conclusion, it’s just that I’ve seen too many cases like this I do not want to have very high expectations for marriage 

Marcus asked How many have you seenTM 

Cornelia said President Hartley, you know about Mr & Mrs Ferguson from Aurora Ventures right? They had a issh wedding a few years ago, which made many young women green with envy But just six years later. Mr. Ferguson audaciously brought his mistress home and shared a room with her despite his wife knowing Mrs Ferguson couldn’t tolerate it and aired their dirty laundry Just before this predicament, they were flaunting their love in publicThe divorce of Mr. & Mrs Ferguson from Aurora Ventures, led to a significant drop in several listed companies shares, and was one of the most recent major news scandals And of course, Cornelia was following it 

At work, she was only concerned about whether it would affect the Hartley Group’s shares Off work, like any other girl she was more interested in the gossip 

if a couple acclaimed as the most loving ended up in such an awkward situation, how could Cornelia dream about her own marriage

Of course. Marcus knew about this it was the news Ben informed him about a few days ago The Hartley Group’s response was swift and their shares not only didn’t drop but rose for two consecutive days 


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