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Impulsive Vow to an Enigmatic Husband (END) novel Chapter 477

Chapter 477 

Argh!A man let out a scream as his arm was twisted 

Where the hell did you come from, sticking your nose into our business? Are you asking for trouble?The rest of the group quickly surmounded him, pulling out knives hidden in their pockets, ready to stab Marcus 

The sunlight glinted off the knives, flashing before Comelia’s eye. It made her heart flutter, President Hartley watch out!” 

Without a moment’s hesitation, she rushed out from behind the two boys, trying to help Marcus. But her path was blocked by a sturdy figure. Marcus grabbed her, forcitly pulling her back

Before they could even touch the hem of Marcus’s clothes. Ayden had shown up on the scene, knocking them all to the ground one by one 

Realizing they were up against a stronger opponent, they scrambled to their feet and tried to run

Feeling the danger had passed, Cornelia breathed a sigh of relief, but quickly realized they couldn’t let these people escape just like that, These people might be hurnan traffickers We can’t let them get away. I’ve called the police, and they should be here soon.” 

Ayden, don’t let them escapeAfter instructing Ayden, Marcus pulled Cornelia back again, You knew there was danger ahead and you still charged forward Don’t you realize how senous this is?” 

Faced with danger, Cornelia didn’t have time to think too much. She instinctively wanted to protect him, I can’t let you get hurt. Your safety affects the entire Hartley Group, and all of us who rely on the Hartley Group for our living and to pay off our mortgages 

Marcus was infuriated by her words, is money more important than life?” 

Cornelia smiled faintly. Isn’t money important?” 

Marcus responded, Is money as important as life?” 

Cornelia said, You’ve lived a comfortable life since childhood, so you don’t know that there are many people in this world struggling to survive. You can’t understand why some people might resort to stealing or robbery just to get a full meal” 

Cornelia had seen news about children in poor areas who couldn’t even afford a new pair of shoes Not long ago, there was someone who jumped off a building because of hunger 

Her life wasn’t as harsh as those people in the news. Since she was young, her grandmother had always taken good care of her. During college, she also earned some money by drawing cartoons parttime However, the money she earned was far from enough to start a cartoon studio. In order to raise funds for the studio, the three of them rented the cheapest house and could only afford one meal a day 

Back then, they had tried all sorts of methods, but none could raise enough money. They even considered resorting to unscrupulous means to raise funds, but luckily they held on to their principles and didn’t do anything illegal

Just when they were out of options, the government introduced a policy for college students to start businesses with loans. With the lowest interest rate, they were able to borrow from the bank and finally gather enough funds to open the cartoon studio 

When the studio first opened, there was no profit and they had loans to pay back. Those were tough times for the three of them. There was a period when they all contemplated giving up and stop trying so hard. But when they thought about the funds they had invested, they knew they would have nothing if they gave up. So they persisted 

After eating the cheapest food for a few months, the studio gradually started to pick up and they finally earned their first income since opening

On the night they got the money, Zack wanted to go for a big meal. But Cornelia and Abigail, thinking of the bank loan they still owed, disagreed 


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