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Impulsive Vow to an Enigmatic Husband (END) novel Chapter 489

Chapter 489 

Am I just an emotionless robot to you? Marcus chuckled grabbing the cigarette Zavier passed to him and lighting it up, taking two consecutive drags 

He hadn’t smoked for a while, and now his throat was still a bit uncomfortable with the smoke Is that how you see me, or is that how all of you see me?He asked Not just us, the whole world sees you like that Zavier replied, gazing up at the sky 

The city was full of tall buildings, blocking out the stars, leaving only the street lights overhead Mare, that year you were just sixteen, or whatever age you wereZavier 


Being ruthless has nothing to do with age Marcus knew what Zavier was getting at. That incident happened so many years ago. And in all these years, no one had dared to bring it up to his face, only whispering behind his back

Criticizing him for being heartless towards his own family, calling him cold blooded. Some even suggested he might not be a real Hartley, hence his cold heartedness All sorts of insults were hurled behind his back, but no one ever had the guts to say it to his face. utterly laughable 

After puffing away a cigarette, Zavier lit up another, You’re absolutely right, ruthlessness isn’t tied to age. Marc, can you tell me how you managed to be so cold hearted 

back then

Marcus replied, Which part do you want to hear?” 

Zavier continued, “Back then, everyone saw you as just a kid not yet of age Nobody paid you any mind. Yet you singlehandedly pulled your father down from his high position. You brought him down, why did you personally send him to jail too? That’s the part of the story I want to hear.” 

They had known each other for years, and knew each other inside out. Zavier knew just how to hit Marcus where it hurt with his words, making it hard for Marcus to breathe. But Zavier seemed disappointed. There was no change in Marcus’s expression, as if that man and that incident could no longer stir up any emotions within him 

Was that really the case? Zavier didn’t believe it

Marcus was a master at concealing his true feelings. Unless he wanted others to see, no one could figure out what he was really thinking

Zavier continued twisting the knife in Marcus’s wound, Marc, tell me ” 

Marcus retorted with a cold laugh, Do I need a reason to want to put him in jail?” 

Such a ruthless reply. This time, Marcus was the clear victor, and Zavier was defeated 

Zavier launched another attack, From the day you personally sent your father to jail, the whole world knew the name Marcus. From that day on, your name became synonymous with terror in the business world. Everyone said you were a heartless robot, even towards your own family” 


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