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In Love, Never Say Never (Ashton Fuller and Scarlett Stovall) novel Chapter 190

In the end, I put on a pair of flats and went back downstairs.

Upon realizing I was about to leave the house, Molly cried out, “Mrs. Fuller, are you going out? No, you can’t! Mr. Fuller gave specific instructions not to let you leave the villa alone. Give me a moment and I’ll go with you!”

With that said, she hurriedly cleaned up in the kitchen.

I told her, “There’s no need. I won’t be going far. I’ll probably just walk around the neighborhood for a while.”

Dr. Linnard, who had come over to give me a checkup, suggested, “Why don’t you let me go with you instead?”

Molly paused and said uncertainly, “Is that okay?”

That question was clearly aimed at me. I nodded. “Sure.”

With how pregnant I am, having someone with me is probably a good idea.

After exiting the villa with Dr. Linnard, we did not take the car. Instead, we took a leisurely stroll around the neighborhood.

Dr. Linnard looked at me and commented, “I can see that you’re the same as me, you don’t seem to be too used to the fast-paced lifestyle of the bigger cities, huh?”

I nodded. “While J City is considered quite a developed city, the lifestyle is just not as rushed as K City.”

“You know, the first few days after I came here, I took the time to wander around and scout out the neighborhood. I stumbled upon a quaint and quiet cafe that sells delicious desserts. It’s a good spot to listen to the rumors and gossips of the various influential families here in K City. Interested in checking it out?”

“Sure!” I was bored out of my mind anyway.

I had thought the shop would be a distance away. To my surprise, it was right next to the villa neighborhood. The shop was a villa that had been converted into a cafe. The atmosphere inside was indeed very peaceful and quiet.

“What do you think? Not bad, right?” Dr. Linnard asked me.

I bobbed my head in agreement, my spirits lifted by the soothing atmosphere. While she was busy chatting with the waiter, I took the opportunity to take in our surroundings.

“The view on the second floor is amazing. Let’s go!” She ordered a few desserts and took our table number. Then, she dragged me up to the second floor.

Going up a wooden revolving staircase, she searched out an empty table for us.

A few seconds later, she came back and tugged on my arm. “Hey, um, let’s go to the first floor instead. There aren’t any empty tables for us.”

I was bewildered at her words as I could clearly see several empty tables scattered around. Why did she…

It was then that my gaze landed on a couple sitting by the window. For a moment, I was stunned. So, the reason Ashton didn’t come back after so long is because he’s here having tea with Rebecca!

“Mrs. Fuller, shall we go downstairs?” Dr. Linnard queried nervously.


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