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In Love, Never Say Never (Ashton Fuller and Scarlett Stovall) novel Chapter 280

“No!” I retorted. “I wasn’t the one who killed your child. I’ve never wanted to sacrifice someone’s life to comfort myself. Your mother is still influential, right? Cameron might be under investigation, but she’ll still be a billionaire if she’s innocent and gained her fortune rightfully. If she was involved in shady deals, she’ll get caught eventually, right?”

Biting her lip, Rebecca took a deep breath and glowered at me. “Karma will come for you!”

I was amused. “Karma? You have a crush on Ashton, so your mother set up a trap to kill his wife. Now, she’s about to lose her reputation and standing. This is karma.”

Rebecca’s jaw hardened angrily at my words. She grabbed her coffee and flung it in my direction. The coffee wasn’t hot, but it stained my clothes instantly.

I sat still and stared straight at her.

Seemingly emotional, she stood up and glared at me. “Scarlett, you lost your child. If you want another, you can get pregnant anytime. What about other innocent people? Felix’s about to die. Hector Clinton’s career and my mother’s future are ruined. Do you think you’re above us all? I think you’re the most heartless person I’ve ever seen. After wrecking my relationship, you took the person I love away from me. You destroyed the life my brother arranged for me before he died.”

I sneered and grabbed a napkin to wipe the coffee off my face. “Innocent? If Felix’s innocent, then what about the people he killed? Don’t you know why he’s sentenced to death? Is Hector innocent? Don’t you know how much money he has extorted over the years? What about the people he harmed? As for your mother, she isn’t innocuous at all. You know how she murdered my baby, right? Look how much she has achieved over the years. Imagine how much illegal stuff she has done!”

I couldn’t help but snicker at this point. “Your brother. Yes, Parker’s indeed smart. He asked Ashton to take care of you because he knew he’d die soon. His death isn’t anyone’s fault. But his request trapped Ashton forever. You love Ashton, but does he love you?”


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