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In Love, Never Say Never (Ashton Fuller and Scarlett Stovall) novel Chapter 311

I pushed against him, but he didn’t budge an inch. A frown appeared on my face as I evaded his kiss. “Ashton, where did you get all this confidence? Why would I be jealous?”

He smirked devilishly. “I know you’re jealous.” He trapped me in his embrace and purred in a baritone voice, “You love me, don’t you, Scarlett?”

Momentarily losing control over my mind and body, I subconsciously grabbed onto his arms, looking a little flustered.

Noticing my subtle action, he lowered his voice and whispered into my ear, “Finally responding, hmm?”

My cheeks heated up all of a sudden. Suppressing my anger, I glared daggers at him and gritted out, “Are you done yet? Get out.”

He tightened his arms around me, as though unfazed by my show of anger. “Where do you want me to go?”

“Wherever you want. I don’t care!” I pursed my lips and shoved him hard. Then, I crawled into bed and closed my eyes in exhaustion.

He climbed into bed after me and circled me in his arms. My phone, which I had set aside, rang again out of the blue.

I flicked my eyes toward it and saw that it was John. Thus, I answered it without hesitation.

“Wait for me tomorrow. I’ll take you to see a doctor,” was what he said the moment the call was connected.

Upset, I was about to refuse when Ashton beat me to it with a gloomy expression. “Mr. Stovall, by calling so late at night, I don’t suppose you want to listen in on my private conversation with my wife?”

Probably not expecting Ashton to be around, John fell silent for a moment before scoffing derisively. “Private conversation? You really do have a knack for blowing your own trumpet, Mr. Fuller. Though, I’ve never heard of a wife answering a call in the midst of having a private conversation with her husband.” This undoubtedly struck a nerve in Ashton.

Ashton’s arms tightened around my waist, completely holding me down as he spoke meaningfully into the phone, “Sometimes, husband and wife tend to spice things up between each other. Don’t you know that, Mr. Stovall?”

“Oh? Is that so? What an eye-opener. Why? Did you use to call Letty like this too when you were with Ms. Larson?”

Ashton’s face clouded over and he looked terrifyingly cold.

“Don’t sound so spiteful, Mr. Stovall. At least the woman in my arms is mine to take, whereas she’s someone you can never dream of touching. So, I’d say that my situation is much more practical compared to your wishful thinking.”

Ashton’s words were indeed cruel. After ending the call, he tucked my hair behind my ear without demonstrating any signs of anger. “I’ll take you to the hospital tomorrow,” was all he said.

I pursed my lips, but merely shut my eyes and let sleep take over me.


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