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In Love, Never Say Never (Ashton Fuller and Scarlett Stovall) novel Chapter 407

I could not explain that either. “It started after I saw the pregnant woman just now. I guess it must be a repercussion of what happened the last time.”

After a brief pause, I regarded him. “What are you doing here?”

Rebecca came over to us. It had only been a few days since, but she looked visibly sallow and seemed to have lost considerable weight.

Ashton was calm. “I was sending her to the hospital when I lost focus and ran into someone.”

There may be more to this than what he described, as he had always been a cautious driver. It was unlikely that the cause had been a loss of concentration on his part.

I glanced over to Rebecca’s pale facade and puffy eyes.

They were filled with hatred and resentment. Did I somehow offend her again lately?

A siren filled the air as the ambulance approached. Ashton ran his fingers through his own hair and swept it behind his ears before he whispered, “Don’t worry about it. Wait for me at home. I’ll be back when this is settled, alright?”

I nodded in acknowledgement.

It was a matter of life and death that he should see to it without delay.

As I watched him depart, Rebecca glared at me. “You should have died!”

Those words were as chilling as they were perplexing.

I was seriously baffled as I was certain that I had done nothing recently that might have roused her ire.

Ashton followed in the ambulance when it took the pregnant woman away. The disruption was cleared for traffic to resume.

I had lost half the day and might not have enough time to safely make the return trip from the cemetery before dark. This would be particularly risky, as I would be by myself.

After some deliberation, I thought I might as well drive down to the hospital to see how the conceiving woman was doing.

At the hospital.

It would appear that the woman got out of it unscathed. She had a fright, which made her water broke.

She had been sent into the delivery room by the time I got there. Her family was present as well.

Joseph had taken over Ashton’s duty to communicate with her family. Rebecca sustained light injuries and was taken in for observation.

Once that matter was settled, Ashton finally found time to sit down. I regarded him silently for some time. “You’ve always been careful at the wheel. What happened back there?”

There were mixed emotions in his gaze which instilled a sense of foreboding within me.

Indeed, he said, “Rebecca was arguing with me in the car!”

The scent of iron and copper which filled my nostrils brought my attention to a soaked patch against his black sleeve.


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