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In Love, Never Say Never (Ashton Fuller and Scarlett Stovall) novel Chapter 424


I pushed her away then headed straight for my office in the hotel.

Finally, it was afternoon.

There was no more trouble from Joyce since the morning. It could be that she had left work early due to being in a bad mood.

Deep in thought, I didn’t notice Joseph standing at the entrance to my office until I heard the excited screams from my female colleagues.

“Ms. Stovall, may we speak in private?” inquired Joseph.

I felt the prying glances from all around me, so I nodded uneasily. “Sure!”

We left my office and came to a quiet area. “Mr. Campbell, is there anything I can help you with?”

He pressed his lips into a thin line. “Mr. Fuller wishes to see you.”

I instinctively wanted to reject but nodded after some hesitation. “Where is he?”

“The hotel’s parking lot!”

I nodded. “Okay!”

When he saw me walking back towards my office, he continued, “Ms. Stovall, Mr. Fuller is already waiting for you downstairs.”

I turned to look at him silently before saying, “I know. I need to get my purse.”

Baffled by my answer, he acknowledged, “Then I will wait for you here.”

“Fine by me.”

These two had worked together for many years, so their behaviors were getting more and more similar.

Once I had my purse with me and exited my office. He let out a relieved sigh. He acted as if I would turn around and leave right away.

Moments later, we arrived at the parking lot.

When Joseph noticed the door to the black Mercedes-Benz was left open, he immediately turned and left with a feeble excuse.

I got in the car and saw Ashton was reading a document intently and elegantly.

“It’s two o’clock. I still have to work later,” I reminded.

He paused briefly, snapped the document closed, and focused his gaze on me. “After lunch, I’ll send you back here.”

R Province was small, so there weren’t many good-quality restaurants around. However, Ashton managed to find one and a Chinese one at that.

Since it was pre-booked, once Ashton and I were seated, the dishes were served promptly.

I glanced disinterestedly at the view outside through the window. Time passed by so fast, and it was already July. Soon, summer would end in a blink of an eye.

He kept silent and placed some food on my plate. He halted once my plate was full.


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