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In Love, Never Say Never (Ashton Fuller and Scarlett Stovall) novel Chapter 486

Ashton patted my hand in consolation. “To consult a doctor. Just chat with the doctor later and try not to overthink things. Just answer whatever the doctor asks, okay?”

I nodded, but a feeling of suffocation assailed me in this cramped space.

About ten minutes later, an elderly man in a white coat walked in. He looked like he was in his sixties.

Glancing at Ashton, the elderly man flashed him a faint smile and inclined his head a fraction in greeting. Subsequently, his gaze alighted on me.

Shortly after, a few seconds at most, he turned his gaze on Ashton. He said nothing pertinent, merely questioning mildly, “Are you staying, Ashton?”

Ashton nodded.

At this, the doctor pursed his lips and cocked an eyebrow though he didn’t comment further on this matter.

He glanced at the document in his hand before focusing his gaze on me. “How’s your sleep recently?” he asked.

“Not bad,” I answered. Inwardly, however, I was already feeling a tad irritable – for I hated such a cramped space and chatting as though I was being interrogated.

As my stomach roiled, I abruptly bolted to my feet and rushed to the washroom without waiting for his next question.

There was nothing else for me to puke, so I vomited blood in the end.

The moment I glimpsed the flash of red, I myself was stunned. Why is there blood?

After a while, we didn’t continue with the subsequent questions. As the doctor looked at me, his gaze radiated worry, and he asked me to stroll for a bit in the corridor or downstairs.

Taking my hand, Ashton urged me time and again, “Don’t wander around. Wait for me downstairs or in the corridor, but don’t go too far.”

I nodded before flashing him a forced smile.

At this, his grip on my hand tightened considerably. Shifting his gaze to the doctor, he suggested, “How about this? I’ll come over another day when I’m free, and we’ll talk in detail. For now, let’s call it a day.”

The doctor cast a glance at me. Then, he nodded and sighed softly without saying anything.

Ashton then led me down the stairs. When we had gotten into the car, I stared at his slightly pale face. “Is my condition very severe?”

He flashed me a faint smile even as his profound gaze alighted on my face. As he caressed my face with his long and slender fingers, he answered in a gentle voice, “No. Don’t think so much. Perhaps your stomach just isn’t feeling great, so we’ll have Joseph come over later and prescribe you some medicine.”


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