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In Love, Never Say Never (Ashton Fuller and Scarlett Stovall) novel Chapter 511

“Mrs. Fuller, I’ll need to check your wound,” the doctor told me.

I paused before pulling up my skirt, exposing the bruise on my knee.

Ashton’s arms around me tightened as he reminded the doctor, “Be gentle. She’s quite sensitive.”

The doctor nodded and pressed on my bruise lightly. “Does it hurt?”

I shook my head. “Not really. I’m fine.” It was just a slight fall, and Ashton was exaggerating.

The doctor nodded and applied some ointment on my bruise. He handed the ointment to Ashton and stated, “Apply this on her wound every morning and night. Massage it gently. She’ll be fine after a few days of rest.”

Ashton nodded and ordered Joseph to send the doctor out.

All the while, he kept his arms around me.

I knew he was worried about me. The quieter he was, the more guilty I felt.

Raising a hand, I tugged his shirt gently. “Ashton, I haven’t had dinner yet.”

I was starving after the huge outcry earlier.

A chuckle escaped his lips as he asked, “Sure. What do you want to eat?”

“Anything will do!” I was just hungry and didn’t have any specific cravings.

He nodded and kissed my forehead gently before pulling the covers up for me.

After he left, I let out a sigh. Today’s incident must’ve caused Fuller Corporation’s situation to worsen.

Feeling parched, I rose to my feet. The bruise wasn’t painful at all.

When I arrived downstairs, Ashton and Joseph were huddled together in the kitchen. Both men were tall and attractive. Just looking at them was enough to have one sigh in admiration.

Something was bubbling on the stove. Ashton was washing something while Joseph was helping him. They seemed to be engrossed in conversation.

I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a glass.

“How did Scarlett’s whereabouts get leaked out?” Ashton inquired.

Startled, I turned to look at them.

They were so engrossed with what they were doing and didn’t notice I was there.

Joseph washed the ingredients while explaining, “Mrs. Fuller bumped into Ms. Ludwick at the hospital.”

Ashton arched a brow. “Ms. Ludwick?”

“Kristina Ludwick.”

Discarding the stuff in his hand, Ashton’s gaze landed on the bubbling pot. “What happened?”

“It seems that Mrs. Fuller and Ms. Larson had a fight at the entrance of the hospital,” reported Joseph. “Ms. Ludwick cursed Mrs. Fuller.”


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