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In Love, Never Say Never (Ashton Fuller and Scarlett Stovall) novel Chapter 621

Seeing that I had changed the topic, she pouted her lips. “Tsk. It’s a tradition here in K City that relatives and friends will come over with gifts and supplements to visit the baby. It’s a reunion with the relatives as well.”

Nodding my head in acknowledgment, I heaved a sigh of relief inwardly for changing the subject successfully.

After chatting away for a moment, she couldn’t stand the drowsiness and fell asleep, but her new-born woke up.

Opening his eyes, the baby glanced around inquisitively and kicked his legs.

“That’s his favorite move. He’s much smarter than many new-borns,” the caregiver said with a smile while walking in.

I returned her smile. With my eyes fixed on the baby, a sense of tenderness grew within my heart. I stretched out my hand to touch his, and the baby gripped my finger.

His palm felt velvety soft. The alone time I had with the baby was quiet, relaxing, and heart-warming.

I was still deep in contemplation when Cameron came in. Her voice snapped me out of my reverie.

“Letty, we’ve prepared your favorite food, like sweet and sour pork ribs, grilled eggplant, and blueberry cheesecake. Let’s eat lunch now. You can come back to Emery and the baby afterward.”

Dumbfounded, I glanced at my watch. It was already noon.

Recalling that I was supposed to have lunch with Ashton, I declined her offer, “I’m afraid I can’t stay for lunch, because I need to head to the Fuller Corporation soon.”

Cameron flashed me a sly smile. “Are you going to have lunch with Ashton?”

Her question stunned me, and I said nothing.

She giggled at my reaction. “Mr. Fuller is already here. He’s in the living room now. Let’s go.”

I was a little surprised. When did he come?

Stepping into the living room, I saw Ashton sitting at a huge dining table, which could seat up to sixteen people. Most of them at the table were strangers to me.

I sat at the vacant spot beside Ashton, asking him in a soft voice, “When did you come over?”

“I came a while ago,” he replied in a deep voice.

“Why didn’t you call me?” I questioned. Then, I saw someone I knew at the table. It was Robert.

Ashton held my hand. “I did, but you didn’t pick up.”

I was puzzled. Fishing out my phone, I saw a few missed calls. Only then I realized that my phone was in silent mode.

“I’m sorry. I switched my phone to silent mode.”

Holding my hand, he didn’t say a word.

The people at the table made small talk with one another. Emery stayed in her bedroom, as she was on bed rest.


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