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In Love, Never Say Never (Ashton Fuller and Scarlett Stovall) novel Chapter 629

I didn’t expect the gathering to be held in such a unique way. The hotel had many guests. When we occasionally bump into some colleagues, we would greet each other and continue enjoying our separate activities.

Felling slightly lazy, I found a seat in the main hall and sat down.

“Is there anyone sitting here?”

I was startled by the voice. I turned to take a look and what greeted my sight was a familiar face, but I could not recall who exactly he was.

He was one meter eighty-five in height with a slender figure and a cool exterior.

Seeing that I was staring at him blankly, he raised his brows and asked, “So is it occupied?”

My senses returned, and I shook my head. “Nope!”

He took a seat beside me while holding a cup of coke.

I could not help myself but took a few glances. It felt weird yet normal at the same time.

He saw me looking and asked, “Do you want one?”

I shook my head in embarrassment and replied, “No, thank you.”

Bright neon lights shone throughout the place. Logically speaking, people would usually drink either a glass of hard liquor or a cocktail in such an environment. As such, I found it weird that the man was drinking coke.

That being said, it was probably normal since the place caters to people of all ages, from kids to adults. Even without such beverages, the place had a lively atmosphere with its neon lighting and upbeat songs.

Live music sounded through the main hall. The main singer stood on stage and was ready to sing a folksong that conveys the yearning of one’s hometown.

The sad music was filled with so much emotion that I found myself engrossed in it.

The man beside me stood up and left, only to return a few minutes later.

He placed a cup of juice beside me. I stared at him with a blank expression as I was slightly surprised by his thoughtful action.

He chuckled lightly and said, “You’re welcome.”

I started to recall his identity. He was the man that stood in front of Grandma’s tombstone. Once again, I fell into a trance.

After a short pause, I asked, “Have we met before?”

He raised his brows and questioned, “Do you know me?”

“No.” I shook my head.

“Well, then we don’t know each other,” he chuckled lightly.

I was taken aback by his casual response, so I thought for a moment and asked again, “No, I meant if we have actually met before this.”

Meeting and knowing someone were two different things.

He chuckled lightly. “Since we don’t know each other, it could only mean we have never met before.”

I was speechless. Snapping back to my senses, I uttered, “Just because we don’t know each other doesn’t mean that we have not seen each other before.”


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