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"Now, tell me, Edwin!"

"Granny, Ernest didn't love her."

"What? How can you say that, Edwin? Didn't you see the news when Evelyn had announced their relationship on her fashion show success party. That night I was very happy for Ernest. But at the same time, I was very sad for my Elena as she had lost her eyes in an accident at the same night."

"Granny, you don't know the complete truth. Wait let me tell you whatever I know."

She nodded and said, "ok, tell me the complete truth."

"As you know, Ernest and Evelyn had known each other since college days but she did not know the truth about Ernest being Crown Prince."

"Yes, we know that," Said Alice.

"Ok, but do you know? Evelyn loved Ernest but he just considered her only as a friend."

"No, we don't know that she loved him since college days, but I don't know about Edward."

"He also didn't know about that till that success party," said Edwin and continued," Actually, one day when they both had gone to dinner. There, she suddenly proposed him while saying, she loves him and Ernest got shocked to know her feeling for him but he clearly refused her while saying, as he doesn't have any time for all these things."

"But, How did they end up in relationship when he had already refused her?" Alice asked.

"Because she was very stubborn with her nature. She said, Ernest, I will not come in between your work. I know how important your career is to you and you are preparing for a startup too. I want to support you by being with you like always but this time by being your girlfriend.... If you will not accept my proposal, I will chasing you until you will accept me."


"Yes, granny"

"That's why, he had accepted her relationship with her?"

"Yes granny because he didn't want that Evelyn spend her precious time on him rather than her career, that's why he got agreed and she got very happy as he got ready to being his boyfriend and thought as he has also some feeling for her somewhere in his heart but the truth was quite the opposite.

And after 3 years, when Ernest become a successful businessman and Evelyn become a successful fashion designer, their relation was the same as day one. He still considered her as a friend but she still loves him."

"Means, Ernest didn't feel anything for her throughout in those 3 years?"

"No, granny. He didn't feel anything for her and he already told her numerous times, but she is not ready to listen him. For me, she is just a crazy bit*h who was totally obsessed with him."

"I really don't understand why he was enduring her when he himself is a short tempered guy?"

"Granny, he doesn't want to lose his friend who was supported and caring for him since college days, but after three years she suddenly started behaving like those clinging girl whom Ernest didn't like.


One day, she came in his office, entered in his cabin, embraced him and kissed him on his cheek, but Ernest didn't like it, he said while breaking embrace with her,"Why did you come suddenly, Evelyn?"

"Ernest, I came here to invite you in my fashion show which is going to be held in LA next week," She said while giggling.

"Evelyn, I can't go there as I have already many meeting to attend here," he said while sitting on his chair.

She said while entangled her hand on his neck from behind and whispered in seductive tone,"But I really want you to come with me... Please..."

"Evelyn, behave yourself," he said as removing his hand from his neck and roared while getting up of his seat,"I really don't like when you clings onto me like other cheap girls."

Evelyn got flinch to hear it, and said, "But, I am not like those girls. I am your girlfriend."

"But still, I don't like it. I hope you will not repeat it again," he said while calming himself.

Evelyn eyes got teary, she asked while looking at him,"You don't love me, Ernest?"

"Evelyn, I really don't know what the hell love is? And I have already told you on the first day as I don't have time for this fu*ki*g sh*t?"

She started crying and sobbed, "But Ernest, I really love you with bottom of my heart."

Ernest felt sad, he said as embracing her,"Evelyn, I don't know about love but you are my good friend. So being a good friend, I'll definitely come to your fashion show to support you."

"Really, Ernest?"she said while looking at him.

"Yes," he nodded.

"Thank you, Ernest," She said and continued, "Can I use your restroom as my makeup got smudge?"

"Ok," he said and sat on the chair and she went to the washroom.

"Knock - knock"

"Come in."

Edwin came with James to his cabin and said while sitting on a chair,"Ernest, we have to go to Russia for an important meeting."

"I can't go as I am going to LA with Evelyn."

"What?" Edwin got shocked to hear him as Ernest didn't cancel his meeting to anyone till now.


"But, why suddenly?"

"She has invited me to join her and support her in her fashion show, that's why I am going."

"But why the hell are you going with her to leave behind your important meeting?"

"Mind your words, Edwin. She is my friend."

"Yes, I also want to know as she is really your friend because she keeps proclaiming from place to place that she and you are in a relationship, but me, Edwin Alfred didn't know about this.So tell me the truth, dammit!" he slams hard on his desk.

Ernest looked at him and said," Edwin, I really consider her my good friend and nothing else. So don't think more and calm down."

"Ernest, I don't know anything, clear your relationship with her as soon as possible."

Edwin looked at him, and thought, "she doesn't seems as she pretends in front of you and everyone because she is a completely white lotus bit*h."

"I really don't know why you don't like her?"


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