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Indulge in Love novel Chapter 19

It was already half past six after Yana finished buying the groceries. She rushed to his apartment with loads of bags. She washed her hands and started cooking. Although he loved seafood, she still bought a lot of vegetables to make accessories according to that beautiful woman whom she met by chance in the supermarket. She also made a few dishes. When he came back, she was cooking shrimp soup in the kitchen.

As he sneaked into the room, he shut the door and changed into his slippers. The moment he stepped into the room, he smelled the smell of the meal. This was a feeling of home, which surrounding him. He dazed for a while. How long had it been since the last time he felt the warmth of this home? It seemed that he felt this kind of loneliness all the time except in his uncle's home. Although he had three brothers and his parents were in good health, he had no sense of belonging at all!

His eldest brother, Davis Cheng, was ill and had to take care of his business. His second elder brother, Moore Cheng, got married, and their family lived in the old house happily. The third elder brother, Brian, who seldom came back home because of acting all the year round, Although Albert was born in a big family, few people could talk with him! After he turned 18, he moved out from his house and lived alone. He was self willed, lonely and lonely. As soon as he smelled the food, his restlessness was relieved, as if he had returned to the warmth of the world.

He walked into the kitchen and saw that Yana was concentrated on cooking. She was thin, but at this moment, he felt that she was so beautiful. Both her serious look and the way she washed her hands and made soup for him were so beautiful.

Yana was stirring the eggs. When she was about to make an egg custard, her loosened hair slipped and fell on her forehead. She was uncomfortable, but her hands were still stirring the eggs. The pot was hot, and she couldn't make it. She could only tilt her head and rubbed on the shoulder, but when she raised her head, the hair fell again.

Raising the corner of his lips slightly, he walked over and stood behind her. He helped her put the wisp of hair behind her ear, and then gently held her waist with his hands. He leaned his head on her shoulder, enjoying the happiness of this moment.

Startled, Yana turned to look at Albert and said, "That's enough. Just cook another dish. You can go out now. There's a lot of smoke in the kitchen. You can't stand it. " After that, Yana poured the eggs into the pot and began to fry them carefully.

Holding her in his arms, he said, "it doesn't matter. I'll wait for you. It's too cold outside. " He wrapped Yana's waist and rested his head on her shoulder. Hearing this, Yana shut her mouth, allowing him to hold her, but she didn't say a word either. When the last dish was placed on the plate, she turned around with a smile and said, "all right, it's time for lunch! Mr. Albert, could you please move aside? I want to take these dishes out! "


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