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It Was You novel Chapter 953

In a hospital of the capital city.

In the doctor's office.

After a general check-up for Cassandra, the doctor looked a little indescribable. He coughed and said, "Miss. Cassandra's body is fine. There is neither trauma nor internal injury. She is very healthy."

In fact, the doctor thought in his mind, 'Are you just kidding me?'

'She don't break a piece of skin! What the hell am I checking?'

Cassandra looked at Hogan helplessly and smiled awkwardly, "Mr. Hogan, I'm fine. If there's nothing else, I'll go first."

Before Hogan could say anything, the door of the doctor's office was pushed open, and then Martin and others came in.

Seeing this, Cassandra didn't know what to say.

She just felt that she was in trouble now.

When the rivals in love met, there was a dead silence in the office.

Cassandra felt like she was caught cheating on her husband...

Cassandra stood up from the chair in a flash, "Well, Martin, listen to me. It's not what you saw!"

Cassandra wondered if it was too late for her to run away now.

Martin glanced at Hogan and said in a hoarse voice, "Kevin, take Casey to the car first and check if she has any injury."

On the other side, Kevin said in a hurry, "Okay. Cassandra, this way, please."

Cassandra didn't know what was going on either. She took a look at Hogan and Martin, and then followed Kevin immediately.

After Cassandra left with Kevin, the temperature in the office dropped to freezing point in an instant. The doctor was "invited" out of the office, and the people on both sides confronted each other for a moment.

Martin said, "Carlos, you go out first."

Hearing this, Carlos was stunned and immediately said, "But boss... What if they do something?"

Martin cast a sidelong glance at Carlos, which made Carlos's legs tremble. And then Carlos immediately left the office with his men. For a while, Barnes also left the office with his men.

There were only two people left in the office, Martin and Hogan.

Hogan raised his eyes slightly and stared at Martin gloomily, but a weird smile appeared on his face. "Are you so afraid that I will take away Casey?"

Martin's eyes turned cold and said word by word, "Cassandra is mine. No one can take her away from me. Why are you so scheming to get close to her?"

The smile on Hogan's face faded away like the tide in an instant, and there was a slight wave in his deep eyes. A moment later, he stood up from the chair and stared at Martin without blinking. "What do you think, Martin?"

Martin's eyes were dark and his angular face seemed to be covered with a layer of frost that had not melted for thousands of years. He said in a cold voice, "I say it again, Cassandra is mine."

Hogan smiled, "If one day she knows how you got to this position by all means, do you think she will still stay with you?"

Chapter 953 Casey Is Mine 1

Chapter 953 Casey Is Mine 2

Chapter 953 Casey Is Mine 3


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