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It'll Come Naturally novel Chapter 1153

"Become slimmer? Let me have a look!" This was typical of Duke. He was always concerned when it came to Leena. Even small details became important to him. He clearly adored his little sister.

"Yeah! My face has become smaller." Leena pouted and sucked in her cheeks. If Duke didn't quit getting angry at her, she too would act childishly.

"Stop doing that, or your face will hurt. I forgive you this time because of the effort you just made. But today is a special case. I won't be so forgiving again." Duke reached out and flicked her nose tenderly. A wide smile spread across his face. With Leena around, he was always happy.

"Thank you, bro. I always know that you're the best brother ever." Leena stood on her toes and kissed Duke's handsome and perfectly cold face.

"Leena, is this lady one of your friends?" Belinda eyed Claire warily. She had been watching Leena and Duke, and so had ignored Claire's presence before.

"Oh! This is Kevin's sister, Claire." Leena felt a pang of guilt for not introducing Claire first.

"Kevin's sister, that's wonderful! You're welcome, Claire. Leave these two alone. They just love each other a lot. You get used to it one way or another," Belinda said amiably. She didn't sound harsh. Sometimes, she felt jealous of the affection between Leena and Duke. However, sibling affection wasn't the same as the love between a husband and his wife. Belinda didn't bother to ask Duke foolish questions, such as who would he save first if she and Leena fell into a river and both of them couldn't swim. Such questions would undoubtedly be silly and annoying to him. Also, it would only frustrate her and possibly worsen her relationship with Duke.

"Belinda, don't be silly. You're just being jealous. Right?" Leena's mouth tilted upward as she mocked Belinda's jealousy.

"Why would I be jealous? Duke is my husband and Kevin is yours. Go and find your husband. Leave Duke to me," Belinda said haughtily. She was a woman who could be provoked easily.

"Take it easy. Don't be so annoyed. I think I have the right to borrow my brother from you every now and then." Leena pressed her body closer to Duke, teasing Belinda some more. Her lips lifted into a sly smile.

"That... that can be done under certain conditions. You can't borrow my husband free of charge! However, I can rent him out to you for a reasonable price. Tell me what you can give me if I trade your brother," Belinda said. Her smile was charming. She looked Duke in the eye with some defiance. Duke stared back at his wife in turn. A stern look flashed across his face.

"I see. Actually, I think I better give my brother back to you. I have nothing precious to trade my brother with. I'm sorry," Leena said and jumped away from Duke. He seemed pissed off. If Leena continued to intervene between the pair, she would definitely be blamed for the possible quarrel between them.

Duke's mouth twisted into a humorless smile. His wife really had the nerve to rent him out. However, she was gravely mistaken: no common woman could steal him from his wife and family. Even if it was his own sister who wanted to borrow him, he absolutely refused to be traded like cargo.

"How about you, Claire? Would you like to borrow Duke?" Belinda didn't expect Leena to back out. Duke's dangerous gaze still rested on her as she turned to Claire, who looked confused about what was happening.


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