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It'll Come Naturally novel Chapter 1606

Rain would still often wonder about the what ifs that had not left his mind since the day that Annie had left him. The most prevalent question that would not stop crossing his mind was what would have happened if he had drunk more responsibly — what would have happened if he had not gotten so drunk? Would he still have Annie right where she should be, which was right beside him? His mind unceasingly dwelt on these wonders day and night and he would tire but the next morning he woke up, the questions would still be there. But, as the saying went, Rain would often repeat to himself that there was no use crying over spilled milk. Although he wanted so much to change what had happened, there was nothing that he could do.

The circumstances that took place were surprising, but Annie's departure was something that Rain knew had always been destined to happen, if not planned. Annie's departure had long been established. Rain could only assume that Annie had everything planned out; that she had been merely looking for a loop hole she could deliberately use as an exit when she got the opportunity to. Otherwise, she would still be here. No matter how hard Rain looked, he achieved and found nothing. His searches were in vain.

That was why he had been keeping himself distracted and occupied by taking over the KD Group. Nonetheless, flashes of Annie's face would keep revisiting him. All their friends including Edward, Duke, Tom, and Leena had a happy life in love with their partners. The fact that he was the only one without a significant other made Rain feel rejected.

The constant isolation he always felt always made him feel empty; much so that this evening, he decided he would go to Sexy World. He went there by himself, which made it twice as sadder than it already was. As what one would expect, there was a woman wearing a sexy attire, sitting right next to him. This woman was doing her best to get the attention of Rain, seducing him into taking her, but as the numbness ate up Rain, he had no response to these advances at all.

The reason why he asked for this woman was not for his pleasure, but used as a cover up to his long figure; he didn't want to look like he came there by himself, even if he did. So when the club manager suggested this woman to Rain, he found it best not to refuse the offer. Besides, it was not like he did not have any money — if he wanted to, he could buy anything. If he wanted to, he could even buy the whole club.

He finished a full glass of wine with just a single swig. Like most nights, he missed Annie more and more. He could not afford to be without her and the thought of replacing her really gave him a bad feeling. At the wave of his hand, he dismissed the woman he had just paid to be with him.

He had no idea how he could move past Annie, let alone forget about her. He could try, but it would all be in vain — he had tried just to prove the former. To stop missing her, he would spend nights getting drunk just so he would fall asleep. Sleeping wasn't a problem until he lost the one he would slumber next to every night.

Again, he wondered whether Annie had loved him or not. He would think to himself, 'If she loved me, then she wouldn't have left me without giving me the chance to explain just how much I love her, ' he thought.

Rain's life was no walk in the park. Putting the issue of Annie aside, he would still be miserable. With his mother being a mistress, they were abandoned when he was a baby. If it hadn't been for Edward, he thought, he'd probably have been dead by now. But, with Annie he was miserable at best. Life remained tough, but it became less of struggle to fight it because of the love he and Annie shared. He would always wish that Annie would just decide to come back to him.


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