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It'll Come Naturally novel Chapter 1628

However, no one dared walk up to her or strike up a conversation. She looked so aloof and distant that people hesitated, fearing they would be made a fool if they approached her unassailable presence. Passersby contented themselves with stolen glances in her direction.

Daisy, of course, was completely aware of their covetous glances, but she paid no heed to their attentions. Her world revolved around her husband and son. She kept a mindful eye on Justin and Edward, who were joyously romping through the shallow waves with the motorboat.

Justin hadn't known that his father was a top-notch water sports enthusiast. Edward showed off by playing several water games with him on their boat. Justin considered that he had underestimated his father.

"Daddy, you seem to know everything!" Justin praised his father excitedly, as they pulled to a stop in the shallows with the engine still purring behind them.

"Yes, your father is an all-rounder. Do you think it's easy for me to be the fantasy of all women? It takes knowledge and skill." The word "modest" was not in Edward's dictionary. He accepted Justin's compliment proudly, bantering sonorously due to his wife's absence in the boat.

"You mean you've practiced these sports before?" Justin asked again, as Edward had reached a whole new level of cool in his young mind, and he was overcome with admiration.

"Come on! No one is made to know everything." In Edward's eyes, Justin was enjoying a much happier childhood than he had. Justin was assured of his parents' and grandparents' love and company, unlike Edward who had been doomed to a lonely youth, absent of familial love. As a youth, he had entertained himself with various kinds of sports to stave off boredom. As a result, he had gained many skills.

While they were still chatting, a figure raced past them and dashed into the surf.

"It's mommy!" Justin yelled, his eyes wide with surprise. He didn't understand why Daisy would suddenly run into the water.

"Don't worry, son. You stay here. I'll go check on her." Edward was concerned that something was wrong, and he wanted to follow Daisy. But, torn between his son's safety and the safety of his wife, he briefly hesitated. Despite how clever Justin was, he was still a child and needed minding.

"Daddy, just go to help mommy. I promise I will stay right here." Justin clapped a hand to his chest to assure Edward. He knew why Edward hesitated.

"Some people are drowning!"

"The water is too deep over there. I don't dare to go in."

"A woman is already swimming out, but I wonder if she can save them."

Edward realized what happened from the nervous chatter of the crowd. Without wavering any longer, he ran through the shallows and then swam after Daisy. He had never seen her swim before, so he had no idea whether she could even swim.

When Daisy had been observing Justin and Edward, she had seen a hovercraft being overturned by the ocean waves. Believing that the people on the hovercraft knew how to swim, she hadn't reacted immediately; but when someone began to struggle in the water, Daisy had realized that something was wrong, and dashed to the rescue without any further consideration.

A young couple had been aboard the hovercraft. They had been too excited to notice the dangerous swell building into strong ripples. When their hovercraft capsized, they panicked. The boy knew how to swim, but overcome with anxiety, he was too shocked to save his girlfriend. He just watched her struggling helplessly.

Swimming was one of the training programs at the JC Military Academy. Soldiers not only needed to know how to swim, but also had to be able to save drowning people. As a result, it was a piece of cake for Daisy to save the girl.

When Edward neared Daisy, the latter was swimming to the seashore with the girl locked in her arm. She was surprised to see Edward swimming out to help her.


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