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It'll Come Naturally novel Chapter 1771

Daisy had made an appointment to see Tom. Since she and Edward decided in the end to keep the baby, she needed a prenatal exam. Besides, the pregnancy still needed to be confirmed.

"Welcome to my hospital, Daisy," Tom said impishly when he saw the two. He made all the preparations for the examination and had been waiting for them. Although Daisy's belly was still flat, Tom squinted at it with a smile fraught with meaning.

"Stop teasing!" Edward said exasperatedly, glaring at the grinning doctor and preventing him from saying anything else that might embarrass his wife.

"Sorry about the surprise." Daisy laughed it off. Being with Edward for all this time, she found that she had grown a thick skin, and got quite used to this kind of banter. It would take a lot to embarrass her now.

"No need to apologize, really. You should be happy," Tom replied in a mock serious manner. Having been scolded by the bossy Edward, he tried to behave himself and mind his words. After all, loose lips really could cause trouble, especially under the very nose of a guy like Edward. He'd joked around before, and gotten black eyes and bloody lips for his trouble. Tom knew that Edward could go as far as skinning him alive if he continued messing around.

"Everything ready?" Edward asked sharply. Wherever he went, whatever he did, he would act like a mighty king, who didn't like to be kept waiting.

"Of course. Who do you think I am, anyway?" Tom was grinning from ear to ear. "Follow me, Daisy." He then gestured politely, inviting Daisy to go with him. He led her all the way to the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, had a few words with the department director, and checked in with Edward before making sure she'd have the best care.

"Why do I have to wait outside? Can't I go with her?" Edward complained sulkily seeing Tom come back.

"Why? Who's the doctor here, anyway? And who's the patient? You don't fit in either category," Tom responded in a teasing tone. Although he sounded not a bit serious, he had a good reason to keep Edward outside. It was for Daisy's sake. Tom knew that all women had a private side, something they'd never reveal to their husbands. Tom not only knew it, he respected it as well.

"Would you shut up!" Edward eyed him furiously. "Better to keep your mouth shut and have people think you're a fool than to open it and remove all doubt," the CEO said, quoting a famous line. Edward shot Tom an angry glance. Tom's words alone were enough to get on his nerves, and the fact that everyone around was laughing wasn't helping any.

However, Edward soon put all of this behind him, for Daisy's pregnancy was later confirmed. He was overjoyed at the news. He'd been expecting a second child.


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