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It'll Come Naturally novel Chapter 1798

"Mom! Geez!" Justin cried. Daisy caught him in a particularly naked moment. Justin quickly grabbed the bath towel he had just dumped on the bed and wrapped it around his waist again to cover up his sensitive parts.

"So what? I'm your mom. I've seen you naked hundreds of times," Daisy responded calmly, her face passive. Her thoughts were anything but. 'What a coincidence! I never expected him to be just out of the shower the minute I walked in. He was wearing briefs though, so why the over-the-top embarrassment?'

"Could you please, please knock first next time? You're just like dad." 'Every frigging time, ' Justin complained inwardly, rolling his eyes. He had already moved to the upstairs bedroom to stop her from just barging in, but it didn't seem to be effective.

"Never," Daisy bluntly refused.

Justin gracefully walked in front of the mirror. "Well, you're up late. Why hasn't dad come and picked you up?" Justin said with a sidelong glance at his mother as he just started drying his hair

"You know as well as I do how drunk he is. You saw him at the party downing shot after shot. How about you and I have a little talk?" Daisy offered. If Edward hadn't been drunk. she wouldn't have gotten this rare chance to talk with her son right now.

"Okay, what's up? Wait, just to be clear, not a word about getting married," Justin said abruptly while styling his hair in front of the mirror.

"It's not about getting married. It's about Joyce," Daisy replied. She then studied his face for the slightest reaction. She got nothing.

"Joyce? What about her? Does she have a boyfriend now?" Justin wondered out loud. He hadn't noticed anything particularly different about her at the party just awhile ago.

"No. I just wanted to ask... what do you think about her?" The moment the words left her mouth, Daisy winced and started to regret why she was the one having this talk with her son. She should have left it to Edward, who was a smooth talker and had thick skin. He was perfect for this, he wouldn't even break a swear.

"She's great. Elegant and beautiful," Justin answered almost automatically.

"So do you like her?" Could she be wrong? Was there a chance that Justin was into Joyce too?

"Of course! She's like my sister. How can I not like her?" Justin blurted out, chuckling as well. Suddenly, his eyes narrowed. He realized something was off. Why in the hell was his mom in his room this late at night, asking all these weird questions?

"Oh, so you only see her as a sister." Needless to say, Daisy was disappointed.

"And so? Mom, why are you in my room in the middle of the night? Asking all these questions? Is there something I should know about?" Justin started walking towards Daisy and leaned forward. He drew his face close to his mother's, his eyes narrowed in suspicion.

"Nothing. I was just asking for your Aunt Annie. We were talking during the party and she thought Joyce was too quiet and was worried that she might have a hard time finding a boyfriend. Since you two grew up together and are close, maybe you'd know before us if she has a boyfriend." Daisy diverted the subject so smoothly, Edward would have been proud of her. She promised Joyce to keep her feelings a secret, so a secret it shall remain.

"If that's all, we already asked her this morning. She doesn't have a boyfriend. There, you got your answer. You happy now?" Justin shook his head. Joyce was still at the peak of her youth and these women were already worried about her marriage. When would this ever stop?

"Well, okay then. Have you ever considered you and her, getting together?" Daisy probed further.

"What are you talking about, Mom? Me and Joyce?" Justin dismissed the thought incredulously. "She's my sister. That is too many questions for one night. Go check up on dad in case he throws up. It won't be easy to clean up, you know that." He then turned around, took off the towel from his waist, flung it aside, and slid under the covers. Considering he had to work earlier and party at night, he was exhausted.

"Oh, right! I almost forgot about him. Alright, I'm going. Let's talk again some other time. Goodnight!" Daisy took one last look at Justin who was already in bed with his eyes shut. She then hurried downstairs, worried that Edward might throw up in bed. It had a small chance of happening though.

"Okeydokey. Shut the door when you leave, please." Justin sighed and then he heard the door slam shut. Her mom might've been a little angry.

Justin opened his eyes. Silence filled the room now that his mother was gone. His eyes drifted towards the nearby window. It offered a perfect view of the night sky and its full moon. He had long suspected that Joyce had a thing for him. His mom's visit made the answer crystal clear. He was sure about it.


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