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It'll Come Naturally novel Chapter 585

"Come on." Edward turned to Daisy, crouched in front of her, and signaled at her to climb onto his back. Now, he felt extremely heart-broken for Daisy's injury and apologetic for his irrational words and conducts. He was depressed, and his arrogant temperament was gone. Even a trace of depression could be distinctly felt in his tone.

"I can walk." Daisy said while casting a glance at Edward's stalwart back. She was too shy to obey Edward's instruction. Besides, she was worried about Edward's body as well. He just recently recovered from a serious injury. Although Daisy wished to run away from Edward as soon as possible, she could not help but take his physical conditions into consideration. She had this habit of caring for him, no matter what happened between them.

"You can walk! Daisy, do you want to embarrass me to the point of no return?" Edward was angry again. This time, however, he was angry at himself. It was all because of his male chauvinism and his arrogance that he had caused a wedge between him and his beloved wife. And in the end, he reaped what he had sown. He hurt Daisy, the woman he loved the most, and himself. How could he maintain his happiness if Daisy was in such great misery?

Daisy didn't show objection this time, and climbed onto Edward's back like a docile cat. Her slim arms closely circled around Edward's neck. Now, they were close to each other. Although they were the only people in this park, Daisy still flushed for such an intimacy between them.

Daily kept silent all the way. Edward furrowed his brows as this really upset him. But he had no idea how he could pacify Daisy and eliminate her preventive attitude toward him. So, he kept silent, too. Neither of them had the nerve to break the ice. They just felt the heart beat of each other in sheer silence. But the beating of the heart was as elusive as their love for each other. It vanished before a clear throb could be felt. Although their bodies were close to each other at this moment, there seemed to be a great distance between their hearts.

"Why didn't you tell me about your injury when I was here earlier?" asked Edward sullenly. He finally surrendered. This question weighted like a heavy stone in his heart. He had to figure it out at the earliest.

"You left me with no opportunity to speak." Daisy said while settling her eyes on the back of Edward's head. She had wished to hide her injuries from Edward. But she had been fully aware that Edward would find it out by her strange manner of walking. So, there was no need of holding back her injuries from Edward. But it was beyond her thinking that both of them would lose control of their temper in such a short while. They just talked, and then a simple conversation escalated into a quarrel. Everything was ruined. In Daisy's opinion, both of them were stubborn and too rigid on their feelings. As a result, the only consequences were the fight, the pain, and the sad memory.

"I'm sorry, Daisy. Please forgive me. I didn't mean to hurt you and embarrass you. I just care too much about you. I'm irrational and impulsive whenever it comes to you." Edward apologized again in a serious tone. If Daisy was facing Edward and looking at his face at this moment, she could clearly spot the deep feeling of regret and self-reproach in his eyes.

"I know. This is why, I didn't get angry. I just felt wronged." Daisy leaned her head lightly against Edward's ear. It was true that she didn't get angry at him. She knew it well that Edward was the guy she was willing to protect even at the cost of her own life. So, even if she felt wronged by Edward's words and conducts, the grievance would vanish as soon as he treated her gently.

"You didn't expect that I would walk off and leave you behind like that, did you?" Edward smiled and said in a self-deprecating tone. It was even beyond his own expectation. His absurd behavior startled him too.


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