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Jacob from the Dark Realm Returns novel Chapter 11

Yesterday, Kaley had learned from Professor Powell that what Jacob had written could solve their problem in product development.

That night, she couldn't wait and carried out the experiment.

As long as the cosmetics series of "Gone with the Mist" could be successfully launched, her company would definitely tide over the current crisis.

Ever since her father became a vegetable, her counterparts began to make troubles for her company. And the partners also took the opportunity to ask for more profits, making things worse.

This situation had already lasted for almost three years. Now, the company was about to go bankrupt. If it wasn't for Kaley, the company would have already collapsed.

However, if she didn't find a way to change the situation within six months, the company would really collapse.

The cosmetics series of "Gone with the Mist" was Kaley's last hope. She had invested all her money in the research and development of this cosmetics series.

She was going to cry when hearing that the problem in product development had finally been solved.

Her persistence had finally paid off.

Last night, she and the employees of the product research and development department had been testing the new product. It was until three or four in the morning that the test succeeded. After that, Kaley felt relieved.

The research and development process went unexpectedly smoothly. Now she only needed to wait to see the product effect.

As long as the effect was the same as she had expected, this product would definitely cause a sensation after it went on sale.

After returning home, Kaley only slept for a few hours. After getting up, she took a shower. She wanted to see her father in the hospital before going to the company.

Her mother was taking care of her father in the hospital. Her sister was at school, and Jacob hadn't returned home all night.

There was no one in the family.

Therefore, Kaley didn't lock the bathroom.

After bathing, she was drying her hair.

But the bathroom door suddenly opened!

She was frightened and looked over.

There was a man standing at the door. It was her husband, Jacob!

"Sorry! I didn't notice that you were in the bathroom!"

Jacob said without embarrassment.

"You ... turn around. Don't look at me!"

Kaley was both embarrassed and angry. She covered her body with a towel. Her fair skin was red from embarrassment.

Though they had been married for three years, she had never gotten intimate with Jacob.

Not to mention the current situation.

"Don't worry. I'm not interested in you."

Jacob waved and turned around. Then he left the bathroom and closed the door.

When Jacob was still weak, he had peeped at Siren's body. She was one of the three witches in the Dark Realm.

He had been chased by her for several years and escaped to several planets. Although he had been seriously injured several times, he had still succeeded to see her flawless body. Siren was just like a fairy from heaven.

Later when he became powerful, countless beauties curried favor with him.

So he had seen a lot of beauties before.

He had appreciated all kinds of beauties carefully.

Although Kaley was pretty, Jacob wasn't attracted by her.

However, his reaction irritated Kaley.

She trembled with anger.

She was furious.

She didn't realize that she only felt embarrassed when Jacob had seen her body. And only after Jacob showed no interest in her did she truly become angry.

"Where did you go last night?"

After coming out of the bathroom, Kaley looked at Jacob and asked sourly.

"The Riverside University."

Jacob replied.

Kaley didn't ask why he went there.

"Are you the one who wrote the solutions to the chemical problems in my document of product development?"

Kaley looked at Jacob with a strange look.

These past two days, Jacob had given her many surprises. Even Jacob was completely different from before.

"Yes. Can it solve your problem?"

"Thank you, Jacob. Not only did you save my father, you also saved my company. I..." Kaley looked at Jacob and hesitated.

Jacob saw her awkward expression and said, "You're welcome. Since it can solve your problem, you should give me money."

"Give money?" Kaley widened her beautiful eyes.

She didn't think that this was what Jacob should do. She was just a little surprised.

"Of course you have to pay for my work. We're going to get divorced soon, so we can't continue to share everything as before."

Jacob emphasized the word "divorce".

He was worried that Kaley would be so touched and decide not to get divorced.

He didn't want to have any dealings with the Harris family in the future.

He only wanted to practice martial arts and recover his strength, then return to his world and seek revenge.

"Alright!" Kaley understood what Jacob meant. She gritted her teeth and said, "Your solution is priceless. I don't have much money now. I'll write you an IOU."


Jacob said.

Money was not important to him.

If he really wanted to make money, it would be easy.

He could make a fortune overnight by curing a wealthy man with a terminal illness.


Jacob took a shower and felt much more comfortable.

Suddenly, he received a call from Aaron.

Aaron said that he was in a hurry yesterday and hadn't expressed his gratitude properly. He wanted to treat Jacob to a meal today. Besides, he also had a clue about the dark mana in his body and wanted to talk about it with Jacob.

Hearing this, Jacob was overjoyed.

The dark mana in Aaron's body was by far the thing Jacob had ever seen that could evoke the strongest reaction of the Chaos Pearl.

Once the source was found, he would be able to obtain a large amount of dark mana.


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