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Jacob from the Dark Realm Returns novel Chapter 13

Moreover, he was holding a strong man in his hand.

The strong man was one of the bodyguards.

Seeing this, Grizzly Bear's eyes blazed with fury.

"You actually hide here. It really took me a long time to find you guys."

The black-clothed man's voice was harsh and unpleasant to hear.

"Who are you? What exactly do you want to do?"

Seeing that the black-clothed man really showed up, Aaron was relieved.

People were afraid of unknown things. Since the black-clothed man showed up, Aaron wasn't that terrified now.

Moreover, there were experts like Grizzly Bear here.

"Who am I? You were unqualified to know that. But since I have to use your wife later, I can let you know."

The black-clothed man said gloomily, "I'm Edwin Adolph, Lecherous Demon!"

To use my wife?

Aaron had been working in the FDA for a long time, so he was good at hiding his feelings. However, he bristled with anger when hearing Edwin's words.

Winona also glared at Edwin when she heard this humiliating remark.

Only Grizzly Bear was astounded when he heard these words "Lecherous Demon".

Aaron and Winona didn't know what it meant, but Grizzly Bear did.

It was said that Edwin, who called himself "Lecherous Demon", had destroyed the Black Rose Gang. This had caused a sensation in the underworld back then.

The members of the Black Rose Gang were all women. The boss was nicknamed Black Rose. She was a famous beauty in the locality, and many big guns had a crush on her. However, she was ruthless and scheming. She had forcefully taken over a territory in the local underworld. Every man who dared to hit on her had an extremely miserable ending.

Since then, the Black Rose Gang had been incomparable.

However, three years ago, the Black Rose Gang and its boss disappeared overnight.

Those women were discovered a week later.

However, they had already died.

And it was rumored that the person, who destroyed the Black Rose Gang, was Edwin. He was learning Nourishing Witchcraft.

Any women he targeted would be treated as his Tripod Furnace.

His strength was also becoming more and more terrifying.

After knowing Edwin's identity, Grizzly Bear was frightened into cold sweat.

"Edwin, do you know who Miss Campbell is? If you dare to hurt her, the Campbell family in the capital city won't let you off!"

Grizzly Bear attempted to intimidate Edwin by exposing Winona's identity.

"The Campbell family? Since I want Winona, of course I know her identity."

"If she is a direct descendant of the Campbell family, I won't do anything to her. But when she isn't a direct descendant and even moved to the Riverside City after getting married, that's another story."

Edwin smiled sinisterly.

There were two reasons why he waited for three months rather than just took Winona away. First, he only needed to nourish himself now. Second, he wanted to know the Campbells' attitude towards Winona.

If the Campbells attached great importance to Winona and sent out super experts, he wouldn't forcefully take her away, even though she was really a good Tripod Furnace.

But if they didn't pay attention to Winona, Edwin would definitely get her.

And his backer would help him withstand the pressure from the Campbell family.

This upset Grizzly Bear.

It seemed that Edwin had made up his mind to get Winona.

"If that's the case, let me see what you got!"

Grizzly Bear only said.

At the same time, he signaled Aaron and Winona to flee as soon as he fought with Edwin.

He was confident that he could hold Edwin back for a while.

Aaron and Winona were confused when they saw Grizzly Bear's signal.

A soldier king like Grizzly Bear could fight against dozens of people without any pressure. But now he actually asked them to flee?

Was this black-clothed man that powerful?

Aaron didn't dare to take risk, because it was related to his wife. If they didn't listen to Grizzly Bear, Aaron didn't dare to imagine the situation when Winona was caught by this black-clothed man.

Winona's face turned pale.

They looked at Jacob. After all, this was Jacob's idea to lure out the black-clothed man.

Now the man showed up, but it was much more dangerous than they had expected. Even Grizzly Bear was not confident in defeating him.

"There's no need to panic. Trust me, you'll be fine!"

Jacob smiled.

However, he knew that his empty words weren't convincing.

After all, Winona was the person involved, and Aaron was her husband. Naturally, they would be extremely worried.

Hesitation flashed across Aaron's face when he saw Jacob's calm expression.

He really didn't dare to gamble with his wife's safety.

Since the black-clothed man was here, Jacob stood up. He wanted to make a move and use concrete actions to reassure Aaron and Winona.

He already felt the reaction of the Chaos Pearl in his palm.

As expected, the energy on the black-clothed man's body could cause the reaction of the Chaos Pearl.

"Damn you! Are you an idiot?"

Grizzly Bear didn't like Jacob. He cursed after seeing that Jacob asked Aaron and Winona to stay.


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