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Jacob from the Dark Realm Returns novel Chapter 146


Everyone present was dumbfounded.

Jacob showed an air of domineering.

They felt like Jacob was at the Divinity Phase.

"You're arrogant and strong. I'm surprised!"

Different from others, Lance was not frightened. He became even more excited.

The stronger his opponent was, the more excited he became.

Just as everyone was hesitating, Lance took a step forward and soared into the sky.

Like a comet, he glittered in the air and flew towards Jacob unstoppably, leaving behind a trace.

"Take another punch of me!"

As Lance shouted, he gave Jacob a sock with his fists dazzling due to Zhen Qi.

It was so powerful that the top of Mount G seemed to shake.

And the sky was about to rupture.

However, Jacob gave a mocking smile when facing Lance's stronger attack.

"You are no match for me!"

Jacob snorted coldly.

Then, he clenched his right fist again and swung a casual punch in Lance's direction.

There came a huge sound.

It rumbled in the air.

Afterwards, everyone saw that Lance, who had outshined Jacob, was defeated by him. With a casual punch, Jacob flattened Lance.

Lance found himself in the vortex of his Zhen Qi.

And he fell on the ground like a cannonball.

There was a great rumble.

And the earth trembled.

A huge hole was created in the ground.

Lance groaned in anguish.

And he spat blood.

He was badly injured. It seemed that he suffered bone fractures all over.

His organs in the body were hurt in varying degrees.

With a single punch, Jacob caused Lance to suffer a severe injury.

Lance looked at Jacob in disbelief.

How could Jacob be this strong?

How could Jacob hurt him with a single blow?

In China, few people at Jacob's level were able to do what he had done.

Those who were present were also shocked.

Jacob had failed to beat Lance before. Why the situation suddenly changed?

Jacob clearly improved a lot.

It was completely unreasonable and impossible.

Unless Jacob was in fact at the Divinity Phase.

However, those at Semi-Divinity Phase were all from secluded families and they knew lots of masters at the Divinity Phase from their families and other places.

Jacob was different from those masters.

Besides, every time one leveled up to the Divinity Phase, which was a great event, others at the same phase would sense it.

But Jacob was nobody.

Everyone did a double take.

They finally realized that Jacob had hidden his power.

The people who had attacked Jacob changed their expressions.

All of a sudden, Jacob said, "There are twelve of you all together who come to attack me for no reason. And all of you are from eight secluded families."

As he spoke, Jacob looked at other attackers, apart from Lance.

Being stared at by him, the rest eleven people looked sullen.

They wondered what Jacob wanted.

However, they weren't worried at all since they came from eight different secluded families. They believed that Jacob, who was from the secular world, couldn't afford to offend even one secluded family.

Being defeated by Jacob could only result in the failure of getting his elixirs.

What else could Jacob do to them?

What else did he dare to do?

But Jacob's words surprised them. In an instant, they looked bad.

"As you dare to attack me, you have to suffer the consequences. Whether or not you can survive today depends on what you can give me!"


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