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Jacob from the Dark Realm Returns novel Chapter 162

The conditions he offered to Jacob had become better and better.

Originally, there had been no such position as Vice Pavilion Master in the Pharmacy Pavilion.

He did make an exception specially for Jacob.

If Jacob really had the strength, the position of Vice Pavilion Master would not be inferior to that of Grand Elder.

Under the previous condition, Jacob would serve as an elder who wielded the real power, and he could take over after Grand Elder retired.

Yet the current condition was even much better.

Krish had the confidence that no one else in China could offer Jacob a better condition.

Unless the other secluded families were willing to appoint Jacob as their patriarch.

Or the Pavilion Master of Heavenly Pavilion chose to give his position to Jacob.

That should do.

But was that possible?

Krish could easily know that it was impossible.

However, Krish had actually made a mistake this time.

Lena, the matriarch of the Bell family, wouldn't hesitate in the slightest to offer her position to Jacob as long as he wanted it.

It was just that Jacob wasn't interested in it.

After Jacob's another refusal, Krish's face darkened.

Jacob had made it clear that he would not share his cultivation techniques.

"I'm willing to let you off even after you killed the people of the Pharmacy Pavilion. But since you really don't know what's good for you, I'll have to destroy you and your talent!"

Krish said coldly.

The unprecedented bloodlust burst from his eyes.

As a peak Divinity expert, he hadn't managed to defeat Jacob after a few moves. This was a real disgrace to him.

Since Jacob was unwilling to share his cultivation techniques, Krish decided to use Soul-searching after defeating him.

Though using Soul-searching on such formidable Divinity experts as Jacob could boomerang, he would not hesitate to do it at all costs.

After saying that, Krish took a step forward and headed for Jacob at breakneck speed.

Meanwhile, he threw an earth-shaking punch that boomed long and loud, with a visible trace of aerial force left behind him in the air.

He suddenly rushed towards Jacob.

"You want to kill me?"

"Just by yourself?"

Jacob snorted coldly.

He would stand motionless when he wanted to see his opponent's moves, so that the other could do his best without being interrupted. And Jacob only resisted when the opponent finished.

Otherwise, being beaten passively was never his fighting style.

So Jacob immediately moved his body and also threw a punch.

"Second Elder, who do you think will win?"

Yana asked Second Elder, who was beside her.

Second Elder froze his blood after sensing the energy fluctuations in the sky.


He knew that though he was just in the late stage of Divinity phase and not yet a peak Divinity expert, he could practically have everything his own way in China. Given his position as Second Elder of the Pharmacy Pavilion, even the peak Divinity experts might give way to him.

However, no matter who won, he or the other peak Divinity experts would be killed the instant they joined the battle above.

He was no match for either Krish or Jacob.

It was the first time Second Elder had felt his powerlessness as a late Divinity expert.

Yet he still said, "The Pavilion Master is a peak Divinity expert. Naturally, he'll be the winner!"

Despite the fact that he was shocked by Jacob's power, Second Elder did not doubt the Pavilion Master's strength at all.

Hearing Second Elder's words, Yana really wanted to agree with him. She also knew very well how powerful her master was. Yet for some unknown reason, she felt somewhat uneasy.

With the thought that she had signed the IOU with Jacob, Yana became more concerned about the outcome of the battle and Jacob's fate.

She looked up again to see what was going on in the sky.

Under their expectant gazes, Jacob and Krish's fists finally collided.

It was the first time the two had fought each other seriously.


Upon the collision of their fists, another violent rumble came from high up in the sky.

Such collision of energy even caused the void to quake.

Based on the center of the collision point between their fists, a powerful energy wave spread out in all directions.

Despite the long distance, the spreading aerial force still reached the ground. It shook the nearby towering trees, broke their branches and even uprooted them everywhere.

The Pharmacy Pavilion's protection matrix was also triggered passively, blocking all the remaining energy waves of aerial force outside the pavilion.


Otherwise, the remaining energy from the peerless peak Divinity experts' battle was enough to destroy many of the buildings in the Pharmacy Pavilion.

"So powerful!"


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