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Jacob from the Dark Realm Returns novel Chapter 26

The moment the dark mana entered their bodies, Galip and Glen trembled.

They felt as if there were countless ants crawling around their bodies, gnawing at their flesh and blood!


Heart-wrenching screams resounded once again.

A sharp pain came from their inner body.

Meanwhile, they felt extremely itchy!

Very quickly, they rolled on the ground in pain.

Besides, they constantly scratched themselves all over.


Bloody scratches were left.

But they still felt itchy all over.

As they scratched, the itch increased.


As they rolled, they felt more painful.


Their miserable end was so horrible that one could hardly bear to look at it.


Galip's and Glen's sorry sight made a profound impact on Leopard and Abbott.

Although they didn't even dare to move because of Jacob's threat, their gazes were always focused on Jacob.

They saw clearly what Jacob did.

Just now, Jacob only waved his right hand, and then dark mana entered the bodies of their masters.

Then, two masters fell into such a sorry state.

What kind of movement was this?

Leopard and Abbott grew more scared of Jacob.

What if such a method were to be used on them? They felt a cold shiver of fear run through them at the thought of this outcome!

Looking at Glen and Galip, who were rolling all over the ground, Jacob sneered.

He showed no compassion for them.

In the universe, the Emperor of the Dark Realm was extremely famous.

However, he was famous for being bad, rather than good.

Almost everyone would rather offend the forces of the planets which were stronger than the Demon Realm than challenging the later.

It was only because the current Emperor of the Dark Realm would be bound to take revenge on them if they offend him.



"Are you all right?"

Jacob walked to Kaley and untied the rope.

However, Kaley immediately threw herself into Jacob's arms.

Tears rolled down her cheeks.

Kaley was tall, not much shorter than Jacob.

She directly buried her head on Jacob's shoulder. Only at this moment did Kaley feel at ease.

"Jacob, why are you so stupid? So many people wanted to attack you. What if something happens to you?"

Kaley choked with sobs as tears fell on Jacob's shoulders.

Jacob felt that his shoulders were already wet, and he sighed in his heart.

As expected, women were troublesome!

However, since Kaley was a very beautiful woman and was concerned about him, Jacob didn't feel disgusted.

"Don't worry. No one can hurt me!" Jacob said.


This attracted Kaley's attention. She immediately looked up at Jacob, "When do you become so powerful?"

"I've always been very powerful!" Jacob replied perfunctorily. He wanted to tell Kaley that after solving the problem here, they would divorce in the afternoon.

However, he held back.

Kaley was kind to him.

It was a bit ruthless to tell her such a thing on such an occasion.

After Kaley calmed down, she noticed that she was in Jacob's arms. They were extremely intimate.

They had never been so close before.


Kaley blushed.

After that, she immediately took half a step back, at a loss what to do.

She didn't want to divorce Jacob now.

Jacob risked his life to save her. At least, in her opinion, Jacob had fought with dozens of people just to save her.


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