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Keep you in my arms novel Chapter 250

It was seven o'clock in the morning on Saturday. The sun outside the window was still warm, and it was a good time for morning exercise. After putting on the sunscreen, Angela put on her sportswear and skillfully tied her hair into a ponytail in front of the mirror. On the other side, Eden was also learning from his mother to squeeze out the sunscreen for children. Angela let him wipe it clumsily. Darcy opened the door and was about to come over and say, "he is still young. How can he do it alone?"

Seeing that her mother wanted to help, Angela stopped her and said, "let him do it himself!"

"He is only two years old! It's okay that you don't feed him, but why do you let him put on the sunscreen by himself? Eden is a boy. Now he looks like a girl!" As she spoke, she seemed to find something. "You are a mother! Why didn't you help him when he was wearing the clothes inside out?"

Seeing that Eden was wearing the clothes inside out, Darcy was about to help him. But Angela stopped her at once, "Mom! Don't help him!"

Hearing the two people talking, Eden put down the sunscreen and walked to the floor mirror. He looked at himself in the mirror. The sunscreen on his neck was not applied evenly. When he saw that his clothes were put back and forth, he blushed all of a sudden.

At this time, Angela came close and asked, "do you need mom's help?"

Eden nodded. Angela then squatted down and stretched out his hands to help Angela take off his clothes.

When everything was ready, Angela took her son out. She saw her son's kettle on the table, but she didn't say anything. On the other side, Darcy was just about to remind her. She grabbed her mother's wrist and whispered, "don't say it! If you do everything well for him, he will be very dependent on you."

"He is only two years old! If the people of the Yan Family know that you treat their grandson like this, they will think that you are mistreating him!" Darcy didn't understand why her daughter was so strict with him. She really felt sorry for the child.

"We have to help him shape his character from now on! Well, let's stop talking. We'll be back at eight o'clock!"

Seeing the child leave in a hurry, Darcy was full of worries. Angela left with her child, full of worries.

Edward meant to take away the custody of Eden. It seemed that she had to find a way to modify the divorce agreement and make Edward sign the agreement to give up the custody of Eden as soon as possible. But... It should be more difficult than reaching the sky?

After finishing today's morning exercise with Eden absent mindedly, she took the child home. In an instant, she really came up with a feasible method! At that moment, she felt that the world became bright again.

It was not until then that she came to her senses. Halfway up the corners of her mouth, she saw a familiar figure standing downstairs of the community.

Seeing them approaching, Edward walked up to them. Eden still remembered him and even happily called him "Uncle"! However, after hearing his voice, Edward frowned.

Why did his son still call him uncle? But in the past two years, Eden didn't know his existence at all. She was afraid that Angela hadn't even told her son the definition of "father"?

He squatted down and smiled at him. Then he took out the pirate ship from the bag and said, "you didn't see it yesterday. I give it to you."

When Eden saw the pirate ship, his eyes lit up, but he didn't dare to take it directly. Instead, he looked at his mother.

Angela wanted to refuse his kindness, but she thought that he was also the father of the child. This was the first gift that Edward gave him. It might be a good idea to keep it as a thought.

"Thank you, uncle."

When he heard that his mother agreed that he could accept the gift, he took it happily and said, "thank you!"

Although he was happy to see his son's smile, he was extremely dissatisfied with Angela not request Eden to call him father!

After taking the pirate ship, Eden bowed his head and started to play. Edward looked at her and said, "let's have a talk!"

What was supposed to come would come sooner or later. She didn't avoid it. "Yes! I'll send the baby upstairs first."

Since Eden had a new toy, he didn't lose his temper even when his mother left. Angela asked her mother to keep an eye on him and didn't forget to go to the room to get her ID.

In front of the dressing table, she happened to see in the mirror the Swan necklace she was wearing. Her eyes became distant. She thought for a while and then took off the necklace.

Downstairs, she saw that Edward had already sat in the car, and she got in directly.

She came straight to the point, "I've thought about it for the whole night. I think it's my fault to hide the existence of Eden from you."


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