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Killer (The Satan Sniper's Motorcycle Club book 5) novel Chapter 30

“Men are needy,” Beggar informs me, shrugging her shoulders. I love her long black hair. She looks almost identical to Frost. The two could be sisters. It’s uncanny.

“You don’t seem to mind,” I reply as I sit on the couch and drop my strapless top.

She lifts her hand up showing me her ring finger, “I’m his wife, I don’t get a pass there.” She laughs at her own joke and I smile, because she is correct. When you marry someone you marry their quirks.

“Are you glad to be home?” I ask her. She got home 3 weeks back, but I only saw her for the first time last week.

“Yup, my kid has gone so big, she’s almost a whole new child. And I keep telling Zero he needs to stop feeding her that growing milk, but men never listen.”

“Well, they do when it’s football,” I wink as I grimace when Kaleb sucks harder than usual.

“You should use that numbing cream, else you are going to have no nipples left by the time he is ready for a cup.”

“Thanks for looking after him, I hope it wasn’t an issue?”

“Of course, I don’t like parties, so if you ever need a babysitter and I’m around, I’ll happily be one. Plus, Talin loved being the big one for a change. I didn’t mention Joe was older, because that would just piss her off,” Beggar says with a smile.

“I haven’t had the chance to meet her as yet,” And that was partially my fault.

Killer and Frost offered a few times, but I refused since it required me leaving Kaleb behind. Natasha was not talking to me after the bike ride with Killer, and I didn’t know how to talk to her.

I knew he had feelings for Natasha. Caring for her might be the way he described it, but they were there. And she clearly felt the same way, even if she never mentioned it.

I wasn’t sure how I felt about it, but my feelings didn’t really matter in this case. We hugged, and we danced but come tomorrow the two of them would leave together and I don’t know what to say about that. Her father agreed that Natasha going home was a good idea until lockdown lifted. And Killer mentioned leaving, but he said nothing about coming back.

“Earth to Sin, I lost you over there,” Beggar says, and I see my boy has stopped sucking, so I slip my bra and dress into place and look at her as I put him on my shoulder and rub his back.

Her eyes are so black and right now seeing way more than I want to share.

“You know, sometimes the eyes aren’t meant for seeing the obvious. Killer wouldn’t have left his club, with no sleep in two days to go for a ride telling no one where he’s going. SO whatever you are thinking, I suggest you take a step out of your mind for a few moments and see things from another person’s perspective.”

“What difference is that going to make?” I get up but Beggar’s words stop me, “I once thought I was incapable of loving a man, until I learned to love the parts of myself I spent so many years hating, then loving Zero was as simple as breathing. Killer might be unwilling to love, but you are capable of loving him enough for the both of you, and that man that got on that bike knows that, and it scares the fuck out of him.”

I leave her and take Kaleb upstairs for his morning bath. I’m just finishing up when I hear the rumble of his bike.

I settle Kaleb on the bed, lying and kicking, and I don’t hide myself as I go to the window and watch Killer get off his bike, and place his helmet on the seat. He is such a sight that if heaven ever sent a fallen angel to earth, it would have to be Kevin Stone.

Frost gets off her bike and leans against her ride, taking her helmet off as River does the same.

They are both staring at him, and it happens so fast. One moment he is calm and then next he kicks his bike until it falls and topples over the other bikes. He carries on delivering his anger on the machine.

I watch as my heart spikes to overdrive, my stomach drops as the bikers around him walk closer, but not one of them stop him.

His hair swings as his entire body moves with the force of his kick. I have seen Killer ruffled the night he shoved me in a car and told me to leave. But this is unfamiliar territory for me and for once I don’t want to step into the fire.

I hear heavy breathing and I turn around, realizing it’s me.

Chapter 30 (Sienna) 1


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