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KMA: Kickass Man A Is Back novel Chapter 17

When Atlas returned to the Sinclair's house, Giorgio and the others had already returned.

As soon as he entered, Francis smiled and pulled him to sit on the sofa. She couldn't stop talking.

"Atlas, you're amazing today. You don't even know how the relatives and friends praised you!"

"Your uncle said that he would pay a visit specially to thank you when he was available. You don't even know how awful your big aunt's face looked. She used to look down on you and must regret it now! I'm so happy today!"

Seeing Francis happy, Atlas was also very gratified. "As long as auntie is happy."

"Why are you still calling me auntie? Call me Mom!"

Giorgio, who came out of the bathroom, coughed lightly and still looked serious.

"Atlas, since you are lucky enough to meet such a big shot as Chairman Kimmerly, you must be careful in the future. Don't offend him!"

Atlas looked calm. In the eyes of Giorgio and the others, Ronald Kimmerly might be a great figure, but for the Emperor Cosmos, he was just a nobody among all the living creatures, nothing different from an ant.

Seeing that Atlas did not say a word, Giorgio thought that he was still holding a grudge against him. He grunted and returned to his room.

Francis glared at Giorgio and said to Atlas, "Atlas, ignore him. He's just a grumpy old man!"

Atlas said gently, "I'm fine."

"Viviana has fallen asleep. By the way, when are you guys gonna give me a grandchild? I have been waiting for months!" Francis whispered, with a look of anticipation.

Atlas was a little embarrassed. He could not continue this topic.

"Auntie, I'm a little tired. I'll go back to my room and rest." With that said, Atlas ran into the room.

"Boy, getting shy, huh? When you were young and wetted your bed, I used to help you change your pants!" Francis complained with a smile and then left.

Back in the room, there was a fragrance. Viviana Sinclair changed into a plain white nightdress and leaned against the bed to read a book. Her hair was wet. She must have just taken a shower.

She looked more beautiful in the white nightdress. At this moment, even Atlas' heart couldn't help but skip a beat.

Atlas walked to his bed and sat cross-legged, preparing to practice.

Viviana suddenly said, "What did you do with Mr. Kimmerly today?"

Atlas did not even open his eyes as he casually replied, "Nothing. I just helped him once."

Viviana looked lukewarm. In the past, Atlas did not say a word and even dare to look at her. He looked like a good-for-nothing.

But she found that Atlas had changed a little in the past two days. He was no longer a good-for-nothing, but arrogant.

This change puzzled her, but it made her even more disgusted.

If you have the strength, others will think you are confident when you act arrogant. But if a good-for-nothing always pretended to be arrogant, he would ultimately have a dose of his own medicine.

No matter how Atlas met Ronald Kimmerly, in her heart, he was still a good-for-nothing that she hated.

"You're lucky this time, but I advise you to recognize who you are. Don't think that you can look down on others just because you know Chairman Kimmerly. Your own ability is the real strength."

Atlas opened his eyes and looked at Viviana coldly.

He knew that Viviana still looked down on him. She thought that he was just using Ronald's reputation to show off.

"Viviana, in your eyes, Ronald may be unattainable, but in my eyes, he is not worth mentioning at all. My support is neither luck nor Ronald Kimmerly. You will know what it is in the future."

Viviana reminded him kindly and Atlas didn't appreciate it but retorted her!

Instantly, she loathed him more.


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