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Kylie Bray (Love, Hate and Billions) novel Chapter 38

It is a hard truth, many might not agree with me but sometimes life just isn't about you.

Sometimes life is about the people around you and since I've met Beggar I've realized that.

Today I found out her real name, I listened while Kevin and Vincent shared some of her secrets that I am sure she wouldn't want some strange people knowing.

I thought about her life, living on the streets and I couldn't picture how such a young girl with no mother or father could survive the way she did.

For as long as she has, unscathed.

Even though her memories haunt her, even though she is riddled with nightmares and a past that she will never be able to escape, Beggar is the toughest woman I have ever met in my life.

Today I saw her before I came to Liston Hills, I was waiting for Aron to finish up his PlayStation game. She was manning the bar at the clubhouse and I gave her my number and address. Even though I know what I know about her I hope she uses it. Lord knows she could use a friend or few.

Looking out the car window I see if I can spot Dainy and Reagan. I came here on a hunch, but I didn't really think he would come here of all places. This is where his mother was found dead.

Never mind she sold him to his father all those years ago or the fact that she didn't even give a shit to pick up the phone and see if Reagan was good. She was still his mother.

No, maybe by blood, yes, but Gina Lorne was a scam artist. Her greediness for money awarded her with a free and early ticket to death.

I feel no remorse for what happened to her, the woman was a bitch and I am glad she is dead, just sad that Reagan has to deal with this shit.

I'm not sure how long I sit waiting in the car before I see Reagan carrying a sleeping Dainy to the car.

The two of them sit at the back making me feel like a fucking taxi service but I'm too tired to say shit, so I leave it be.

I hear mumble words, then Dainy's voice,

“How long was I out.”

“Thirty-odd minutes,” I answer loudly.


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